Monday, September 5, 2016

Tectonic shit of money from bonds to equity ....

today in the rest of the world because of liquidity overflow and helicopter money if you keep your money in banks you are getting negative returns...but still this money has not found its way to capital allocation and investment in other assests...but slowly gradually money have started flowing to the equity markets throughout the world...and finally this flush of liquidity will finally flow to capital expenditure and other assets...but note because of the negative psychology prevailing in the world as investments are concerned it might take another 2 years to see results on the ground level where round the year the world economy will start kicking and rolling...but one has to be patient till that still not understand where has all these printed money disappeared...note it is there in the system which will come out once the fear factor evaporates and the people psychology is gone and the environment is conducive for capital will happen and for sure it will happen...right now the water is getting accumulated in the river and in the Dam/resorvoiuor...slowly slowly the water level will reach to overflow levels and the water will start overflowing from the top of the today in the world water is getting accumulated and in the next few years with so much liquidity getting infused the world will start overflowing with cash and that is the time to get out of all your investments...but before that let the world get overflowed will cash and liquidity and allow the printed cash to play its destructive characteristics after everything has bubbled...

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