Monday, August 27, 2018


Dr. Atul gawande is a world famous medical practitioner....he has written many of the books titled CHECKLIST...I happened to read it and from there onwards for each and everything I make a checklist...

Airplane pilots have more than 400 points of checklist before they take the plane to runway for take off...

 Car driving checklist...
Seat on driving chair...
Initially after sitting put both your hands on car steering..   
Then adjust your mirror...
Then put your car in neutral.....
Then start the ignition process by pressing the accelerator gently so the car starts....
After car starts remove your feet from the accelerator and thereafter press the clutch.   
After pressing the clutch move the gear in first position... 

Like wise you make your checklists.....
It can be useful in business..... holidays and everyother walk of life....
You can keep your daily routine also in checklists mode....
College time table is also in checklists mode.....

What ever knowledge I possess about financial markets is because of my passion and due to my self one was there to show me or guide me about the correct path to was a difficult path for me to reach as I had to read so many books on Technical analysis..... Fundamental analysis...Pyscholoy....Neuro behaviour.....after almost 9/10 years of reading hundreds of books and articles from Google and watching thousands of videos from you tube regarding investments I have reached to a stage where I can proudly say that atleast I know and possess only 10% of the knowledge about  market.... Still my reading about fundamental analysis is very basic because I am not a C.A. neither I am an MBA...nor a Commerce student.... but one thing is for sure that I am working towards the 5% of the group who have made a fortune in markets and want to be miles away from the   group where 95% come here  to play for thrill and excitement  and part with their hard earned the way it is a very difficult task and not easy to make money in markets.... It is my hobby and passion to know more and learn about the financial markets and my main business from where I earn my bread and butter is different...but whatever you do I life and especially in financial investing it is always important to have knowledge about the subject other wise it will prove very expensive and your experience will be very painful....

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