Thursday, December 27, 2018

Market Cycles....PART 1

Market Cycles...yes it is very easy to know but very difficult to understand...after reading so many books and developing many dots have finally connected so many dots after reading these book just a few days back...yes the dots were already there but somehow wasnt able to connect these dots...but reading helps to develop these dots....sooner or later it definitely helps to connect these dots and will surely help you in your life....

market cycles are from bust to boom  and boom to bust.....everything moves in these cycles but the time period is something which no one can predict...but usually in todays environment it usually is of 20 todays socio economic environment and with geo political crisis it becomes very important that such cycles are repeated frequently otherwise there will be chaos round the world....also with the invention of technology things are moving so fast that to procastinate have become a diseases but actually it is not....our brains have been working very fast and decision making making also....which we were never used to .....and also these is happening because of technology...your brain never rest....and now twitter...whatsapp...facebook...are playing havoc in our mobile technology is become the hour of the day....from banking to email to google to stock trading everything is in your decision making have become very in such environment it becomes very important to know exactly in which cycle we are in rather than becoming reflexive and fear ruling on us....information over load is going to be massive problem as the world progress and it will become more and more difficult to take quality decisions as human brain is not capable to process so much quantity of information at very fast speed....and particularly in stock market it can play a havoc.....i mean such bscenarios will definitely result in more losses than profits....yes it is true...more read it right...

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