Sunday, February 10, 2019


[6:26 PM, 2/8/2019] Jiten Patel: There are 6000 companies listed in Indian stock exchange......but the probability of only 10% of the stocks will create wealth for you in the long are all destroyers of our hard earned money....
[12:42 PM, 2/9/2019] Jiten Patel: Now as per my earlier post on Nifty..... we should be ready to brace 10000 Nifty before March 15th.....then the Nifty correction .... time wise and price wise will be over and new rally in Nifty will start upwards to levels of 12500 for FY 2019/2020.....Read all my earlier post from August/September 2018 on nifty......i had written that nifty will be ranged bound between 11000 to 9900..... Till second week of March 2019......and these current correction can most extend to April 2019..... But price wise nifty was in the same trading range which I recommended......

The above in no circumstances or situations means I am genius or expert if nifty still behaves for one more month as what I guessed..... anticipated..... predicted just shows I might be proved right because of Luck factors only......and no other reasons.....
[12:55 PM, 2/9/2019] Jiten Patel: If we can not predict our next move in our own life maybe say after 5 minutes.....say after 2 hours....maybe after 6 days.....after 4 months......then how can we predict what will be the market behaviour be after next 5 minutes......or after 4 hours......or after 2 days......or after 6 months when so many market participants are daily active and trading in the market......

What matters is price levels and not price changes.....
[1:06 PM, 2/9/2019] Jiten Patel: So does it make sense to buy a stock for trading or speculation thinking in next few minutes or hours or maybe few days.....a particular stock will go up or down with your thinking..... intuition.....gut feeling......

I don't think so and it is highly impossible to be correct in these complex world when our own life have become so much complex and correct decision making have become very difficult in these complex environment....
[12:13 AM, 2/10/2019] Jiten Patel: Sir if nifty will correct so much then what to do with existing stocks . Should we stay invested or sell. Then later buy after correction
[12:13 AM, 2/10/2019] Jiten Patel: Someone asked me about the Nifty correction article I had written..... below is my answer to him......
[12:13 AM, 2/10/2019] Jiten Patel: first of all if you want to create wealth then the most important thing is don't listen to anyone.....not even me.....yes you definitely read what I am writing and then introspect yourself  and thereafter do your own research and analysis...... reading my articles and taking action will be a foolish decision.....also buying and selling for petty ungauranteed profits might not create wealth for your financial well never think of trading for short term profits ..... selling something and buying it at lower prices will be most foolish advice I can give you..... just be invested in stocks for long term in good monopolistic companies with zero debt and having a very good risk reward ratio..... always remember the price you pay for a particular stock should justify its Value.....
[12:23 AM, 2/10/2019] Jiten Patel: making money in stock market or for that matter in business or in any other form of financial products.....will be very difficult....  until unless you develop the habit to control and rule over your emotions.....
[12:28 AM, 2/10/2019] Jiten Patel: Friends,..... if my writing and articles makes any sense and if you feel like..... you can send it to your own friends and might help them to save their hard earned money.....

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