Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Choices and Decision Making

[2:13 PM, 12/28/2019] Jiten Patel: The choices and Decisions which you take and which are big and which are positive in Nature.... you basically are planting the seed as A New Neuron in your mind body and brain...... Now the moment you have planted the seed of that New Neuron and start working repetitively and continuously on that Big Idea.... Decision and Choice...... the few Neurons adjacent to the New Neuron created starts to get connected and forms a Neural Synaptic Network Circuits.....its GIVING Water and Fertilizer to the seed..... Then the more you start working on the Big Idea.... Decision and Choice you have been thinking and making it happen practically more and more New surrounding Neurons starts to get connected to the same Neural Synaptic Network Circuits and thereafter the Neural Synaptic Network Circuits so formed becomes so strong with your practical experiences that your brain mind and body automatically starts to work around that Big Idea..... Decision and Choice that you had made earlier......move the seed has grown to become a Big Tree with hundreds of branches and thousands of green leaves.....
Once this strong neural synaptic network circuits are formed and you work repetitively and continuously to achieve the results of that initial seed planted i guarantee you that you will achieve the goal of that Big Ideas.... Decisions and choices.....the big huge tree will start bearing Fruits.....
But always note it is a slow process and the growth you may find will be very will be having a subliminal which will not be visible......
Initially it will be like creating the Dots but this Dots will connect sooner or later.....but they will do connect and there will be a complete paragidm shift the way you will be thinking and taking Decisions and thereafter making your choices.....
[2:17 PM, 12/28/2019] Jiten Patel: So more you read books more Dots will form and one day you will be surprised all these dots will start connecting automatically
[2:17 PM, 12/28/2019] Jiten Patel: The more you read and thereafter apply and experience the knowledgeable and wiser will you become......
Only LEARNING will build on your knowledge but you will achieve Wisdom only after putting that theory knowledge in to practice.......
[2:18 PM, 12/28/2019] Jiten Patel: Also it tells about delayed gratification GIVING wonderful results

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