Friday, July 14, 2017

Wisdom of Warren Buffett: On Innovators, Imitators, and Idiots.......

its a very good corollary and it suits well in Stock market.....

Innovators....At times of Depression...Despodency....The FIRST  LOT...One who buys when the Markets are Dirt Cheap and there is fear everywhere...Blood on the street...experts of valuation and smart investors are continuously purchasing for long term investing....FIRST RALLY

Imitators....Cautiously Optimistic...They are the SECOND LOT...After the Markets have gone up substantially.from the bottom ... Near Mid Way of the Bull Trend...stocks purchased by the type of investors but who are very close and relatives of smart investors and promoters and Investment managers...Stock tips and ipos have started fueling the markets...SECOND RALLY

Idiots...Thrill...Excitement...euphoria...last leg of the rally...the stupid idiots i mean the THIRD LOT who have no knowledge enter the markets....but they think that they know everything...stock tips flowing everywhere...all are experts without having zero knowledge of stock market...Risk have disappeared and Overconfidence is the game being played...Easy money flowing...high leverage positions...Petrol...diesel...gas...helium...together all of them fueling the stock market rally....very difficult to stop the wild has to stop by itself...FINAL RALLY

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