Monday, April 16, 2018

Is the Bull Market Trend Over...

FAQ today by most of the market participant ...Is the Bull Market Over...

No not at all and I dont think so...infact because of the present circumstances and situation we are going through in regards to Geo political tension of USA firing 100 Missles on Syria and because of uncertainty and fear prevailing today in the stock markets around the world as per the reaction of market participants it shows that we are not even in the middle of the bull market journey...because today the market participants are showing no commitment at all and market participants wants to be away from the markets by the time all the air of doubts are clear...Psychologically the above reason plays an important role in the stock market...i mean if such a situation arises when we are at the top of the bull market and at the last phase of the bull market journey the market participants will ignore such news of missles fired by USA on Syria and ignore the news completely as if nothing has happened and will keep on actively trading in the stock market....I mean they will all say that the news are Discounted...and will show no signs of Fear Uncertainty and Doubts...So until they are fearing about the next Drop in the markets and show signs of Doubts and Uncertainties till that time it is assumed the stock market EUPHORIC TOP is not reached ....
Corrections will keep on happening at Intervals along the path of the current Bull Market Trend ...

The above article is not a recommendation or suggestion to buy or sell and are my personnel opinion only...

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