Friday, April 27, 2018

Very tough correction happening...from Jan 2018 till April 2018 is becoming extremely difficult and tough day by day to guess when the ongoing correction will stop or is it over... after making a lifetime high of 11172 nifty corrected till 9950 and from the lows it is @10700 today... So leaving aside the difficult task of predicting whether the nifty correction is over for now i will look the bigger picture of the stock market...Yesterday i asked few of my brokers and the answer i got from them was that the market participants are in fear mode and afraid that the markets will still correct from here onwards...see i dont deny their anticipation but the bigger picture is that we are still in the bull market and it is intact because as long as there is fear... doubts ...uncertainty...boredom the minds of the market participants it shows that the bull market is still fully intact...the day all the above emotions are taken over by overconfidence...greed ...thrill.... excitement...and when certainty will be the call of the day that will be the day one has to be cautious and till that time actually comes enjoy the bull market till we enter the emotional phase of Euphoria...

Such Corrections are very difficult to understand...Read the Article Boiling Frog Syndrome and you will understand what i am trying to say...

The above are my personal views and opinion and i reserved my right to be proved wrong and the above article is not a recommendation to buy or sell...Also i am not a certified financial advisor...

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