Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Berkshire Hathway presently has Cash holding of 130 Billion USd

can you believe that today Warren Buffrt berkshire hathway has 130 billion usd in cash holdings...if he can wait out patiently in such euphoric bull market than we should learn from him is that today he does not find suitable business to own and so he is playing a waiting game...but we small investors do not in any angle display such discipline and keep on tradinging frquently because of the left out feeling that others are earning and i am left out...So play the game of delayed gratification and apply the discipline to play the game of patience and learn to invest for long term and create wealth for oneself and the family...So dont play the game of short term momentum and price based short term speculation but follow the principles of long term investing and value based investing...

1 comment:

  1. Hi sir , I have been reading your blogs frequently in that you have always mentioned to invest in long term process. So which are the best stocks to invest in for long term gains ?
