Sunday, July 22, 2018

Midcaps And Smallcaps....the boom boom not

Before i start my explanation let me remind you of Boiling Frog Syndrome and our resistance to small changes....before we even realize and come to our senses our portfolio was already bleeding... and it was too late  and we are now sitting on huge losses and by default we become a long term investors for which we had not planned at all...our motto was to make quick money and also get out qucikly...but fate had something different stored for us...LOSS...LOSS...

Yes as per my perspective they are in a Bear Market and the correction in both the caps will still last for some more months... i am damn convienced that the correction will be of atleast 40% to 50% in stocks of both the caps...the few stocks i am following in both the caps...the technical charts of most of them are very bearish and showing a clear signs of a bear market in them...whatever these so called experts say but we are going down for is for the first time i have seen that the markets are at elevated levels because of few heavy weight stocks which is helping the nifty to sustain those elevated levels but the midcaps and smallcaps are giving way and falling to new 52 weeks low and there are no signs of recovery...i sense that the market is waiting for these so called new investors who entered from November 2017 and who created the froth and the subsequent bubble in the midcaps and smallcaps...until unless they dont sell in panic the bottom will not be formed and these both caps will keep on going down.... Right now they are still in DENIAL mode that such a correction what is happening currently is not true and both the caps will recover very be wise and invest wise....happy investing for the long term....the above is my personal opinion is not a recommendation to buy and sell...please take your certified financial advisor advice....

1 comment:

  1. The NIFTY OR SENSEX maintained to show all ok in Global level. It is to be understand to get out of Midcaps when sebi asks local mutual funds to decrease holding. Also we show many shell companies found and closed by govt.

    Now What ?

    1. IF BANKS covers fast NPAs and stops NEW NPA arising than only market can react positively

    2. The Cruse Oil 50 to 72 and dollar 65 to 69 both price hiked so may have increased fiscal deficit coz of this payment hiked. Now how this loss is earned by Govt is to be seen.

    3. People are Scared of their Investments, FDRs in Banks etc by seeing all this. So No one like to spend more or do business without fear with open mind.

    4. Turnover in retails and ground level everyone sees slow and low volume business majorityly.

    5.Results of Companies should be positive overall.

    6. MAIN :
    The way Index is maintained , it shows M.funds are buying only selected stocks may be coz of mataining NAVs of their own schemes

    But this means :

    Either market will go for new highs if all above points covers positively.

    Else, When people loose patience and withraws money from SIP OR SCHEMES than M.funds will be compelled to sell in Market all bluechips. Who will buy than if Fits do not turns back ?
    will effect On Indexes and Sentiment. Can be havoc.

    So it's time to stay away to check all above points well.

    If all goes positive than investment made at this Midcaps good stocks can be beneficial after BJP wins in 2019. Else stay Invested in only SOLID STOCKS which have no concern on BJP or CONGRESS Or any party.

    This is Personal View.
    Take advisory from your Registered finalcial anylysts Ang risk according to your appetite only. As many Anaylyst or Media is also wrong advisers seen many times.

    Paresh Shah
    9323811769 Mumbai
