Sunday, July 22, 2018

PC Jewellers and Vakraange....Scams

Dubious companies modus operandi.....
PC Jewellers

In 2014....

PCJ was @45...
Vakrangee @45...

In January 2018 both made life time high...

PCJ @600
Vakrangee @516....

Today both are making life time lows....
PCJ @65....
Vakrangee @31...

Now you are a better judge.... and above all if I am not mistaken.... why PC Jewellers was a investor in Vakrangee....
 Both StoCK have same similarity of price movements
Fools will exist in stock market as long as market last..... and people like Rakesh jhunjhunwala.... Vijay kedia.... Ramdeo Agrawal.... have got an opportunity to earn a huge amount of wealth because of these fools who happily come to part their hard earned money to them....these so called fools will always come happily in stock market but one thing is gauranteed for them in stock market.... when the majority of them will leave.... there will only be sorrow for them for sure.... because they have to lose in stock market until unless they are well educated in managing their money and do proper research and analysis of assests they want to invest in....

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