Monday, August 23, 2021

24th August 2021

 We are still in the Corona Virus Pandemic period. Stock Market in India and USA are making New Lifetime Highs....... Smart Investors who knows that things will eventually turn from Gloom to Boom are relentlessly Buying STOCKS from the Market......

But still the Economy is Passing through Tough Times because of Lock Downs imposed by the government.....

Wave 2 of the Pandemic is behind us and now every one is waiting for the Wave 3.......if it happens..... Nowadays Delta Variant is causing Havoc throughout the World but In India things are Normalising........

But on the Economic front things are Gloomy......but Changes are happening towards the fag end of Gloomy Bottom towards Boom Cycle.......

Yes the worst is behind us as long as the Economic Cycle is Concerned and Now the Economy Cycle has just one way to go is From Gloom to Boom.....The foundation is already laid by Printing Money by all Government....... Now the only thing which has to come back is the Animal Spirit of Humans ..      

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