Thursday, March 14, 2019

Whatsapp Messages

[7:24 PM, 2/22/2019] Jiten Patel: March 2nd week Kae Baad Varna April 2nd week Kae Baad yeh bull khadaa hokaar daud Naa shuru kar daega......maagar investors sautae rahaa jayaengae.....

[12:21 PM, 2/23/2019] Jiten Patel: But even after these my emotions of greed and fear are still a big factor when I invest and creates havoc......
[12:23 PM, 2/23/2019] Jiten Patel: Am trying to understand and control my emotions......but because these emotions are in built in me from childhood to manhood these same emotions I have plays a role in my decision making.....I am more of a Reflexive person so it affects my investing style and so am more emotional

[12:24 PM, 2/23/2019] Jiten Patel: Have to be more reflective.....
[12:25 PM, 2/23/2019] Jiten Patel: Because the reflexive brain is fast and is dominant and more powerful than our smart thinking reflective brain

[12:27 PM, 2/23/2019] Jiten Patel: Any first information from outside world....stimuli is first processed by our reflexive brain and thereafter by our reflective brain.....the first decision making power is given to reflexive brain by is also called the limbic brain.....
[12:28 PM, 2/23/2019] Jiten Patel: The repitilian or tribune brain is the first part of our brain..... second is limbic and third is Neo Cortex

[12:33 PM, 2/23/2019] Jiten Patel: But put it in writing on your Wall.....IF YOU ARE TRADING YOU WILL LOSE YOUR SHIRT ONE DAY......and for that matter in you don't learn technical analysis..... fundamental analysis..... psychology...... neuroscience...... you will never be able to make money which you have dreamt off......

[12:37 PM, 2/23/2019] Jiten Patel: Other wise 2 years you will make profit when market goes up and next 3 years you will make lose when market goes down and you will lose your profits earned few years back and even lose your principal

[7:05 PM, 2/23/2019] Jiten Patel: In a COMPLEX correction which we are experiencing from last 6/7 is good for investors because the mArket is difficult to judge and take a clear certain stand about the Direction of market
[11:46 PM, 2/23/2019] Jiten Patel: In a COMPLEX correction which we are experiencing from last 6/7 is good for investors because the mArket is difficult to judge and also difficult to take a clear and certain stand about the Direction of market it is best advisable to stay away from complex market correction because if you think you can understand these complex correction and try to show your smartest ..... for sure and definitely the market will not spare you and will show you your true place......
[11:49 PM, 2/23/2019] Jiten Patel: In a COMPLEX correction which we are experiencing from last 6/7 is good for investors because the mArket is difficult to judge and also difficult to take a clear and certain stand about the Direction of market it is best advisable to stay away from complex market correction because if you think you can understand these complex correction and try to show your smartest ..... for sure and definitely the market will not spare you and will show you your true rather than being a superman it is important to be humble and understand our limitations and stay away from the market until some clarity is visible..... otherwise you are surely going to keep on making losses.....

[11:06 AM, 2/24/2019] Jiten Patel: The same is for Studying and is Boring.....but whatever is Boring in the present moment in the long term will pay in mountains of Gold......
[10:36 AM, 2/25/2019] Jiten Patel: Next 20 days to 35 days are going to be very difficult for traders in the current Complex Correction......the strong urge to trade everyday is proving very difficult to resist......also any trades in the market will probably prove to be disastrous and result in losses.....the chance and probability are more to incur losses because of our emotions going up and down in the current complex is very difficult for a human being to sit idle in a closed room and doing absolutely presently the more active you are in the market the chances and probabilities are more of making losses than of making profits.......
From last August..... September in my earlier messages had written many times that nifty will be ranged bound between 11000.....9900 till second week of March 2019 or extended correction till second week of April 2019..... now you must be thinking how is it possible that so many months back I could guess time wise and price wise chance.....yeah.....
[5:24 PM, 2/25/2019] Jiten Patel: Coal India is one more company hitting my long term formula purchasing price for FY 2019/20...... Current price of Coal India 214/-.....

In August 2015 it made a life time high @447/-.....

My upper band price level @ 235/-
My lower band price level @140/-....

Please note the above mentioned prices are not a recommendation to buy or sell.....
[5:49 PM, 2/25/2019] Jiten Patel: After the current complex correction is over then from second week of March 2019 or from  second week of April 2019 .... Nifty will start it's uptrend Northward towards 12500 points before December 2019......

It is my personal opinion and view and not a recommendation to buy or sell....

[10:55 AM, 2/26/2019] Jiten Patel:
[10:55 AM, 2/26/2019] Jiten Patel:
[10:55 AM, 2/26/2019] Jiten Patel:

[12:35 PM, 2/27/2019] Jiten Patel: Wait for the current correction to get over..... and then market will go up and up..... with small small meaningless correction in between......

It is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation.......

[2:19 PM, 2/28/2019] Jiten Patel: In Month of February also Nifty was within the trading range of 11000 and 9900..... now comes the decisive months of March or at the most the ultimate month of April...... time wise correction finally will get over and also price wise to some extent..... last few days to fill up  your  treasure smart and intelligent and decide wisely.... don't miss the opportunity......

Above is my personal opinion and view and a recommendation to buy or sell.....

[10:29 AM, 3/1/2019] Jiten Patel: Sjvn my long term purchasing formula price between @22/- to 18/-......
Yesterday Sjvn made a low below 22/- and hit the higher band of  my long term purchasing formula price.....

It is not a recommendation to buy or sell and is my personal opinion and view only......

[11:40 AM, 3/1/2019] Jiten Patel: If in 5 years Sjvn goes to 40/- it's all time high price.....then from current price cagr comes to 13% and if you add divided yield of total cagr return  will come to 21:60%....... which by any standard is very good.....
The above is not guaranteed result and can vary as per market is only a future projection and as per my personal opinion and calculations is not a recommendation to buy or sell......

[5:59 PM, 3/1/2019] Jiten Patel: If 200000/- after 20 years can give you 7700000/-.....then 20000000/- can give you 77,00,00,000/-........ now you will be shocked to know these.....
[6:00 PM, 3/1/2019] Jiten Patel: Nobody in these world does these calculations so they miss the golden opportunity to make wealth for themselves......
[6:01 PM, 3/1/2019] Jiten Patel: If you think of compounding your money only then will you be able to make lots of unbelievable wealth for yourself......

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