Thursday, March 14, 2019

Whatsapp Messages

[5:58 PM, 3/2/2019] Jiten Patel: Read why people don't invest in stock market and look for safer heaven like bond investing
[5:58 PM, 3/2/2019] Jiten Patel: Right now in the current market status your intraparietal sulcus part of the brain is activated and is firing intensely and aggressively..... you are visualising and imagining what  the  consequences will be of the actions to be taken by you....but which as yet not taken..... the more uncertain the consequences are the more active the intraparietal sulcus becomes......

The thought of losing money is so inherently alarming that it ends up triggering intense activation in Intraparietal sulcus part of the brain.......
[5:58 PM, 3/2/2019] Jiten Patel: Should I invest in current market....what if war breaks out.....I will make a huge loss..... what if BJP losses the election market will tank and I will make a huge lose....the visualisation and imagination of these two scenarios is happening in Intraparietal sulcus part of your brain and the moment you start thinking again about the above two scenarios it will start firing aggressively everytime....
What if monetary policy rates will not be reduced by RBI..... market will go down and I will incur a loss....
[6:53 PM, 3/2/2019] Jiten Patel: Why people do Bungee jumping or sky diving.....when faced with a probability of injury or death also at times.....
During the time of bunjee jumping or sky diving the fear centre of your brain Insula and the amygdala fires vigorously and intensely and aggressively along with the thinking part of the brain the Cortex to stop and prevent you from taking part in these thrilling adventurous sports activity......but still you do it why is it so.... even after immense activation of the fear centric parts of the brain to avoid it....

At the time of so called adventurous sports activity which are dangerous.....the people who perform these sports are all experiencing the anticipation of thrill and excitement.....the nucleus accumbens part of their brain is firing so strongly and very intensely that the pleasure of excitement and thrill over rules the fear of injury or even death for that matter.....

Now imagine at the time of Euphoric Market Top..... the nucleus accumbens Reward part of the brain is firing so intensely and aggressively to make more and more profits that we cannot even  feel the firing and activation of the Insula and the amygdala along with the Thinking Cortex  which are giving out fear signals that the market is way too high and at unimaginable top levels and it is high time to get out and book profits......
But we still remain invested and infact invest more money at Life Time Top high the urge and demand to make more and more money because of the instructions given by our nucleus accumbens Reward part of the brain will not allow us to get out of the market at top levels and will ask for more and more money......

As you must all have experienced how is it possible to get out at the top..... is not possible...... because you are going to crave for more and more of making money at market tops.....
[9:53 AM, 3/3/2019] Jiten Patel: The above is the Bible of stock market
[11:07 AM, 3/3/2019] Jiten Patel: If you invest like the ordinary people your results will be exactly like them.....but when you invest differently like the 2% of the smart investors who create wealth by investing in stocks your results will be like their results.....

So you decide for yourself that you want to be the 98% of the ordinary retail investors or with the 2% smart investors.....
[10:28 PM, 3/3/2019] Jiten Patel:
[10:28 PM, 3/3/2019] Jiten Patel: Why is your mobile phone a Gambling device like a Slot Machine......
[10:01 AM, 3/4/2019] Jiten Patel: When I send messages I feel more accountable and indirectly it helps me in my discipline and in my conviction...... and the other most important thing is you learn more when you share your even I am learning more thanks to my messages are also educating me inreturn.....
[10:33 AM, 3/4/2019] Jiten Patel: A good example.......
Yesterday I was standing at a shop and fully focussed and engrossed on doing my activity..... suddenly I felt something touching my legs and within a micro second without thinking I the reflexive part of my brain made me jump because of Fear..... the initial reaction taken by my reflexive brain was to protect knee jerk reflexive brain thought that it might be a dog fiddling with my feet.....and so I got scared..... but then I realised it wasn't a was something else  which touched my feet  and I shouldn't have been scared at all.....then my thinking part of the brain.....the reflective brain took over and told me it is nothing to be scared of......

Same way in market when a stock goes down like Zee Entertainment and when we see the whole world selling even our friends and neighbours are selling..... without any faith or conviction..... by blindly looking at them we also start selling...... for a moment we don't even realise why are we selling and for what reason...... have the fundamentals of the company change at all......are the promoters the company in lots of debts..... without even using this it reflective thinking part of the brain we blindly follow the path chosen for us by our reflexive brain to sell and we do that effortlessly even if we have to incurred a loss for that matter.....

So think twice before you take any decision......
[10:19 AM, 3/5/2019] Jiten Patel: Eicher motors in September 2017 went to 33480 and made a life time high price..... today it is around 19500..... Why is it so in the first place that it went to 33480 and now no one wants to buy at current 19500 price levels......the greed part is over and fear part has taken over.....

It is not a recommendation to buy or sell...... please consult your financial advisor.....

[4:16 PM, 3/5/2019] Jiten Patel: You know one of the most important thing of our Brain....
To not except change and because of it we cannot interpret the changes happening around us...... secondly our brain doesn't want to come out of its comfort zone and maintain its status quo.....and so sudden strong changes are not interpreted by our we miss most of the rallies when the trend changes.....

[2:54 PM, 3/6/2019] Jiten Patel: These charts will be of stocks purchased by retail investors who buy blindly and Reflexively without understanding the fundamentals of the company whose stock they are purchasing........
[3:25 PM, 3/6/2019] Jiten Patel: Will you invest in these wealth destroyers stocks...... their charts they all look identical.....

[9:53 AM, 3/12/2019] Jiten Patel: all my messages sent from last so many months on market moving from 2nd week of March  and Investors will be caught napping...... people who won't read the messages will miss out on the next bull market if they are investing in stock market....

[11:13 PM, 3/12/2019] Jiten Patel: SIP equity mutual funds inflow @ 8000 crore per month approximately...... when the same flow in SIP equity mutual funds increases somewhere between 14000/15000 crore per month..... one has to get cautious about the greed factor of the Retail investors because the more the stock market will go up the more money they will pump in the SIP equity mutual funds and more and more Greed of making money......Also as the stock market keeps moving upwards on its trajectory path of making new life time highs the Risk will also keep on increasing and will move in Dangerous zone with market making life time highs...
[7:52 AM, 3/13/2019] Jiten Patel: If I have to give a scale from 0 to 10 for market cycle upwards trajectory from Bust to Boom......Then wE aRe stAnDing At sCAle 6/7 for marKet cyCle upwards trajectory from Bust to Boom......wE sTill haVe tO rEACh SCale 10 of the market cycle.....

[8:39 AM, 3/13/2019] Jiten Patel: Reliance industries
Axis Bank

Are going to rock n roll on the upside......

It is not a recommendation to buy or sell.... and my personal view and opinions only......
[9:16 AM, 3/13/2019] Jiten Patel: FII’s have been buying aggressively in March Series From 1st to 12th March ; Total Cash buying worth 13,312 Cr., what have they been buying Summary:-
Top 12 Delivery marked with price gains in March series
ICICIBANK 9.13 Cr. Shares, IDEA 7.59 Cr. Shares, SBIN 5.11 Cr. Shares, ASHOKLEY 5.19 Cr. Shares, PNB 4.79 Cr. Shares, COAL INDIA 4.38 Cr. Shares, AXISBANK 3.10 Cr. Shares. RELIANCE 2.97 Cr. Shares,  BEL 3.42 Cr. Shares, BHARTI 3.30 Cr. Shares , M&M 2.42 Cr. Shares  and L&TFIN. 2.20 Cr. Shares
[9:16 AM, 3/13/2019] Jiten Patel: Fiis also buying from 2nd week of March.....😀
[9:18 AM, 3/13/2019] Jiten Patel: Market will correct today..... tomorrow...... and day after tomorrow......but day after tomorrow afternoon session market will again start going upwards......
[9:19 AM, 3/13/2019] Jiten Patel: Correction will be very small and meaningless correction and a buying opportunity......

[9:27 AM, 3/13/2019] Jiten Patel: Market will take a breather for its next move upside.....2/3 days later nifty should resume it's  uptrend

[9:37 AM, 3/13/2019] Jiten Patel: Yes investors are still sleeping in the ocean of fear.....they are scared because of the recency bias story going on in the market about the results of general lok sabha elections......yes the fear stories of election......war with Pakistan will keep them away from the market and because of these fear the market will keep on moving high till the results of general election most probably......the last rally from 11800 nifty to say 12300 to 12500 will be driven by the retail investors because of FOMO......Mae rahae Gaya bhai......duniya kamaa rahii hae.....fiis khareed rahae hae aur Mae saoo rahaa huu......fear of missing out feeling will start from 11800 onwards......

It is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell..... please consult your financial advisor for recommendation.......
[2:43 PM, 3/13/2019] Jiten Patel: Current market uptrend rally will continue around 9th to 10th April atleast......
[10:00 PM, 3/13/2019] Jiten Patel: Whatever people think about my messages but time will show and prove everything.....I have been writing so that I can distribute my studies and knowledge to the people which I have gathered by reading hundred of books thousands of articles in Google and watching thousands of videos on YouTube about stock market investing and my conclusion because of the  information I have gathered from the above books and watching videos is that retail investors investing and speculating and trading in stock market will never ever make money in the long term..... the only few who will make money and get out of the market at right time will be only because of luck and only 1% of the people will be able to do that...... rest all other 99% people have to and will definitely lose money in the stock market until unless they invest systematically and having a process and to follow that process in a disciplined manner.......
[8:44 AM, 3/14/2019] Jiten Patel: Current market uptrend rally should continue around 9th to 10th April atleast......
[8:44 AM, 3/14/2019] Jiten Patel: Nifty sudden upside move towards 11300 have caught investors unaware..... now if the nifty current uptrend continues till 9th to 10th April with very small negligible correction in between then the Anchoring Bias will play a bigger role in investors mind and eventually missing out of the current uptrend rally.....Also the sudden upside in nifty is very difficult to digest because just few days back there were hundreds of bad news and only few good news.....but still the market went is it possible for markets to go up......disbelief bias will rule over your mind and will keep you away from investing..... investors are still anchored to buying levels of 10300 nifty......if nifty comes to the level of 10300 we will buy.....Now Anchoring Bias and disbelief bias along with the fear of uncertainty..... doubts ..... will keep you away from investing in the market......

It is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell
[8:47 AM, 3/14/2019] Jiten Patel: Does your client face these same reason I have written..... can you please reply.....

[10:04 AM, 3/14/2019] Jiten Patel: Market will take a breather for its next move upside.....2/4 days of breather and then nifty should resume it's  uptrend from next Tuesday or Wednesday towards new highs.......
[10:04 AM, 3/14/2019] Jiten Patel: Market will take a breather for its next move upside.....2/4 days of breather and then nifty should resume it's  uptrend from next Tuesday or Wednesday towards new highs.......

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