Thursday, March 14, 2019

From My Whatsapp Messages

[9:54 AM, 2/11/2019] Jiten Patel: Second week of March or second week of April very near......😀 Nifty will show its true colours through midcaps and smallcaps......

Castrol finally have hit my FY 2019/20 long term formula purchasing price on the higher price bracket @149/-.....
The lower price bracket is @117/-......

Castrol on 08/12/2014 made life time high @272/-..... After almost 4 years of correction it hit my long term formula purchasing price between@149/-..... to 117/-......

It is not a recommendation to buy or is my personal opinion and view only and the above mentioned price can go to zero price also......

[10:29 PM, 2/12/2019] Jiten Patel: Sun Pharma Q3 results profits 1245 crore.....
Yearly it comes to 3600/- to 3800/-.....
Debt 10000/- crore......
Within 3 years debt can be fully paid.....
EPS @15/-
Price @435/-
One can come to conclusions that fundamentals are okay but Price is high in respect to Value.....
[9:56 AM, 2/13/2019] Jiten Patel: Castrol for FY 19/20

Debt: Zero......
EPS @ 7.16/-
Current Price @ 153/-

Price range 80/- to 110/-....

But my formula purchasing price range 117/- to 149/-....

One can come to conclusions that fundamentals are okay but Price is high in respect to Value.....

[3:25 PM, 2/13/2019] Jiten Patel: There must a question mark...... for you about the nifty behaviour from last August till date is as per what I am been telling......
[3:26 PM, 2/13/2019] Jiten Patel: How is it possible.....
[3:31 PM, 2/13/2019] Jiten Patel: Boiling frog syndrome in midcaps smallcaps stocks is not allowing you to realise that except nifty both the mediumcaps and smallcaps are in big BEAR MARKET......I had written many months back in many of my one can see the results for themselves......

[10:54 PM, 2/13/2019] Jiten Patel: Nifty correction as told previously will go on till 2nd week of March or at the most can extend till 2nd week of April..... and nifty correction both Price wise and Time wise will get over...... and a new rally of nifty  towards Life Time Highs will start once the current correction gets over......
[11:38 PM, 2/13/2019] Jiten Patel: One point I would like to add is that by any chance if nifty breaks the neckline of 10000 points convincingly then  be ready to Brace nifty levels of 9400 points and then most probably 8350 points......but the probability of nifty breaking 10000 points as of now..... currently looks very slim....say 35% only......

[9:41 AM, 2/14/2019] Jiten Patel: All midcaps and smallcaps stocks where retail investors have invested their hard earned money.....are already down by @100% to 150% from their life time high made just few months back......Rs. 10,00,00/- invested have become Rs. 5,00,000/- and below......but Rs. 10,00,000/- invested in Sun Pharma in the same period have gone down to Rs 7,00,000/-......
These is called Risk Management....... only stocks price going up is not called investing......but when the whole world goes down how much down your portfolio is going...... that is how risk management investing is done.....

People run after stock prices going up.....
I see how much less my own portfolio going down when the whole is going down miserably like what is happening today......also and how much faster it also recovers when the tide changes......

[12:44 PM, 2/15/2019] Jiten Patel: Before June 2020 correction in Sun Pharma should get over Price wise and Time wise also .....

It is not a recommendation to buy or is my personal opinion and view only......
[11:14 PM, 2/15/2019] Jiten Patel: While  a prayer for the martyrs is appreciated, there is  also something more practical that can be done.  I don’t know how many of u know about BharatkeVeer app/website (initiated by Ministry if Home Affairs).  It collects money for families of selected individual martyrs (cap of 15lakh per family).   Once cap is reached new names come in place.  If u don’t want to choose specific martyr u can just contribute to bharatkeveer corpus fund. u can even give as low as 100 rupees.  It is tax exempted.
[11:14 PM, 2/15/2019] Jiten Patel: It is a request to contribute to bharatkeveer
[11:14 PM, 2/15/2019] Jiten Patel: I am extremely sorry to use platform......but it is my personal request to all my friends to contribute to the jawans who have layed their life's for us so we can live peacefully and happily...... we should contribute a small sum of our money to the jawans who are always ready to lay down their life for us....... there is a website bharatkeveer where we can contribute directly to the families of jawans who have sacrificed their life for our country.......

It is just a thought......
[10:37 AM, 2/19/2019] Jiten Patel: Time wise correction finally coming nearer to March 2nd week or extended correction to April 2nd week.....

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