Monday, February 17, 2020


The spring of the Indian Economy has been compressed for a long long time..... sooner or later maybe within one year time this Indian Economy spring is going to be released and the day it starts to release one will release the true Power..... because when the spring which is pressed so hard and tightly and when that spring is released you know what will bounce back with great velocity and the jump is also Big......
Yes this Physics also apply to Economics and specially when human beings are the Actors and participants having full Emotions......
Also the same rules apply for Credit Flow in the Economy.....the spring will have to be released and government is already working towards it ......its matter of time when the NPAs issue gets solved and starts making lesser noise is the time for party Rock n roll......

So believe in the Indian Economy before it is to late.....

Credit growth in the month of December 2019 was paltry is one of the lowest in many the Banks are lending less tody because of the Fear psychosis prevailing in the market and also because of the Strong Government steps to check there are no further Defaults and to check Corruption in Lending Practice which was in abundance few years back.....
But eventually this Strict Stringent Lending Practice will eventually give way to more liberal Lending in the future.....
The Lending Growth Cycle at Times of Prosperity and at its peak shoots up to 18%.....
So we are at the trough of the Credit Lending Growth Cycle and eventually it will tuy for sure but when it will turn No One Knows for sure....
[9:25 AM, 1/9/2020] Jiten Patel: The Spring of Lending Credit Growth was pressed so hard because of GST.....DEMONETISATION........RERA ..... CLEANING OF CORRUPT LENDING PRACTICE......BANKS NPAs..... PSYCHOLOGY OF HUMANS..... CREDIT CYCLE.... GEOPOLITICAL....and there are many more......
Eventually all this factors will play out in next few years but THE FUTURE TREND WILL BE GOOD AS WE HAVE ALMOST REACHED AT THE ROCK BOTTOM......

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