Tuesday, February 11, 2020

HUMAN BIASES................




Understanding the Primacy Effect...................Have you ever been asked to memorize a list of items? Or just been given a list of items that you tried to remember? If so, you might have noticed that it's easier to remember the very first items and the very last items on the list, but the ones in the middle are a bit hazy. This is due to something researchers refer to as the "primacy effect."
What Is the Primacy Effect?
In simplest terms, the primacy effect refers to the tendency to recall information presented at the start of a list better than information at the middle or end.
Memory Limitations
Finally, the primacy effect likely persists because of limits in memory. A person might be able to store those first few items to long-term memory, and those last few items might reside in short-term memory, but the ones in the middle never get stored.

Decision Making for Complex Choices

One important takeaway is that the way in which we receive information is a critical factor during complex decision-making processes. This might come into play when making a large purchase or an important decision in our lives.
Marketing experts are aware of this cognitive bias and use it to their advantage. They want your first impression and the last impression of a product to be positive. This is why you will see advertising for a product that is not yet available. It is also why a company will add extra finishing touches such as special packaging for a product. They want your first impression and last impression to be positive because these are the things that will matter.
It's important to be aware of this if you are making a complex decision. Instead of being led by marketing, do your own research and keep it in the forefront as you weigh your options. This will make it less likely that you will fall prey to advertising and marketing strategies.

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