Monday, February 17, 2020


[10:35 PM, 2/15/2020] Jiten Patel: The Biggest Misery in Financial Investing is that NoBody Teaches you how to Adopt an INVESTING Strategy which Firstly Protects your Principal Invested.....

Every in the world speaks of Price rise Appreciation and PROFITS because of Price Escalation......

But the most Important Wisdom of Protecting your Money Invested in any Financial Assests is missing in all the dictionaries of all the Financial Analyst......So be careful when you are INVESTING  and give A First Thought to Protecting your Hard Earned Money...... because Generally the Thought of Greedy Profits comes First to our Mind and we miss out on the MOST IMPORTANT THING Keeping our Money Safe......
Calculating the Probabilities first is of Utmost Importance rather than Blindly taking a Emotional Decision because of your Greedy Brain Behaviours can make your Financial Status very Fragile and Precarious.....

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