Monday, February 17, 2020


[12:16 PM, 2/7/2020] Jiten Patel: THE PROBLEM IN KNOWING TECHNICAL ANALYSIS.......
The basic concepts of technical analysis is to make a Trader continuously trade in Stocks and in Markets..... the genes of technical analysis itself works on the above basis.....
But the human beings psychology and biases works exactly the opposite of it.....
The more you Trade with the help of technical analysis the more your Neural Synaptic Network Circuits becomes stronger for technical analysis and more the Pleasure Chemicals of Technical analysis comes out of your brain and the more you want the Cocaine type hit of that pleasure chemical eventually...... finally because of the repetitive and continuous process of trading because of technical analysis becomes so unconscious without you becoming aware of it..... that your brain mind and body starts working automatically in Trading and Speculation without you becoming conscious about your trading and Speculative Decisions......
So continuously seeing technical charts become so ingrained within your brain mind and body and the biological pleasure chemical which comes out  automatically generates the highest emotional feelings to trade and speculate when we see a Technical Patterns in charts which we interpret will gets us PROFITS......
But Brain mind and body is not concerned at all with the Profits and Losses you are incurring it is most concerned with the biological chemical of pleasure of Seeing Charts and jumping into a Trade......
So it is best for our financial health and for our brain mind and body to see technical analysis Charts not on regular basis and only when the need arises when a good opportunity is thrown by the market either to buy or sell.....
Technical analysis should be used only with Fundamental analysis which should constitute 80% of your buying and selling Decisions and the rest 20% should constitute of technical analysis for getting still better prices after the buying and selling Decisions is made on the basis of Fundamental analysis.....
Rest following technical analysis in isolation will not get you the results which you are looking for and it will be a complete waste of time and mental energy......
[1:10 PM, 2/7/2020] Jiten Patel: Everything we do continuously and repetitively finally becomes our habits and behaviours which makes our personality traits......
So the more we trade continuously and repetitively become very strongly ingrain in our biological systems and it finally becomes our personality traits....
And it is proven historically the more we trade and speculate the more are our Probabilities of making LOSSES because the market is full of Stories and Noises and we most of the time make and take our Decision on market Stories and Noises which are thrown towards us by Markets in Abundance......
So it is best to follow the principles of avoiding to see the market on daily basis....
Easy said than done.....but Investors who Invest in good fundamental companies and avoid looking at the Market for months and years are the ones who make a KILLING IN THE RETURNS from thier long term INVESTMENTS

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