Thursday, May 2, 2019

[10:07 AM, 4/10/2019] Jiten Patel: Actually current nifty PE levels as per its long term earnings EPS @620 for FY 2019/20 on calculated @18.....the earnings will catch up so the current levels of nifty @ 11500  justify......
[10:07 AM, 4/10/2019] Jiten Patel: By 2022 nifty earnings will be around EPS @800..... So at 25PE atleast nifty should be somewhere around @ 20000 from the current levels.......
Presently the market earnings from last 3/4 years are pressed same way when you take a Spring and press it but when you release the compression on the Spring it will bounce back with greater force..... the same way market earnings are compressed currently.....but once the earnings start showing it will bounce back with great velocity.... maybe in 2020 we will start seeing the market earnings to bounce back.....once the earnings start to come back so will the Nifty start moving upwards......

On the above fundamentals I am projecting my future nifty levels to be somewhere around 18500 to 21000..... But if it doesn't come in 2022 then in 2023 it will definitely reach 20000 nifty levels.....
[10:16 AM, 4/10/2019] Jiten Patel: Current Nifty EPS for FY 2019 @435/-...... but long term cagr Nifty EPS on calculated basis @565/-...... within next 2 years the Nifty earnings will catch up as per its long term cagr earnings...... but note market has and is already discounting future Nifty earnings in advance so current PE on Nifty EPS comes to 29PE......
[10:19 AM, 4/10/2019] Jiten Patel: Current Nifty EPS for FY 2019 @435/-...... but long term cagr Nifty EPS for FY 2019 on calculated basis @565/-...... within next 2 years the Nifty earnings will catch up as per its long term cagr earnings...... but note market has and is already discounting future Nifty earnings in advance so current PE on Nifty EPS comes to 29PE......but on calculated basis Nifty EPS of @565...... Nifty PE @21..... only.....

The above are on FY 2019 EPS.....if you now calculate on FY 2020 Nifty EPS...... then nifty is at @18 PE only.......
[12:34 PM, 4/10/2019] Jiten Patel: One should not talk on stock specific too much...... because you're judgement will become biased because of continuous follow up..... the more you think and watch a stock...... thereafter you start talking about the stock.....and slowly slowly will start liking and loving that stock....... and so your decision regarding the stock will have more emotions in it and so your decision will become one should avoid talking about the stock and for that matter to even avoid continuously following  and looking at the stock price....... because of the above reasons many biases will play out eventually and distort your decision making in the once you have made a choice and decision to buy a stock through your system.....process ..... And by your research and studies..... stick to your conviction and thereafter during purchasing or selling don't discuss with anyone because it might change your view and opinion completely.......
In stock market or in any financial investing at one given point of a euphoric phase..... everyone becomes an expert and he thinks he knows more and has more information about why the market will keep on going up and up in the euphoric phase......

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