Thursday, May 2, 2019


[9:54 AM, 3/12/2019] Jiten Patel: all my messages sent from last so many months on market moving from 2nd week of March  and Investors will be caught napping...... people who won't read the messages will miss out on the next bull market if they are investing in stock market....
[11:13 PM, 3/12/2019] Jiten Patel: SIP equity mutual funds inflow @ 8000 crore per month approximately...... when the same flow in SIP equity mutual funds increases somewhere between 14000/15000 crore per month..... one has to get cautious about the greed factor of the Retail investors because the more the stock market will go up the more money they will pump in the SIP equity mutual funds and more and more Greed of making money......Also as the stock market keeps moving upwards on its trajectory path of making new life time highs the Risk will also keep on increasing and will move in Dangerous zone with market making life time highs...
[7:53 AM, 3/13/2019] Jiten Patel: If I have to give a scale from 0 to 10 for market cycle upwards trajectory from Bust to Boom......Then wE aRe stAnDing At sCAle 6/7 for marKet cyCle upwards trajectory from Bust to Boom......wE sTill haVe tO rEACh SCale 10 of the market cycle.....
[8:21 AM, 3/13/2019] Jiten Patel: We are moving towards Nifty 12000....
[8:38 AM, 3/13/2019] Jiten Patel: Reliance industries
Axis Bank

Are going to rock n roll on the upside......

It is not a recommendation to buy or sell.... and my personal view and opinions only......
[9:16 AM, 3/13/2019] Jiten Patel: FII’s have been buying aggressively in March Series From 1st to 12th March ; Total Cash buying worth 13,312 Cr., what have they been buying Summary:-
Top 12 Delivery marked with price gains in March series
ICICIBANK 9.13 Cr. Shares, IDEA 7.59 Cr. Shares, SBIN 5.11 Cr. Shares, ASHOKLEY 5.19 Cr. Shares, PNB 4.79 Cr. Shares, COAL INDIA 4.38 Cr. Shares, AXISBANK 3.10 Cr. Shares. RELIANCE 2.97 Cr. Shares,  BEL 3.42 Cr. Shares, BHARTI 3.30 Cr. Shares , M&M 2.42 Cr. Shares  and L&TFIN. 2.20 Cr. Shares
[9:16 AM, 3/13/2019] Jiten Patel: Fiis also buying from 2nd week of March.....๐Ÿ˜€
[9:37 AM, 3/13/2019] Jiten Patel: Yes investors are still sleeping in the ocean of fear.....they are scared because of the recency bias story going on in the market about the results of general lok sabha elections......yes the fear stories of election......war with Pakistan will keep them away from the market and because of these fear the market will keep on moving high till the results of general election most probably......the last rally from 11800 nifty to say 12300 to 12500 will be driven by the retail investors because of FOMO......Mae rahae Gaya bhai......duniya kamaa rahii hae.....fiis khareed rahae hae aur Mae saoo rahaa huu......fear of missing out feeling will start from 11800 onwards......

It is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell..... please consult your financial advisor for recommendation.......
[10:00 PM, 3/13/2019] Jiten Patel: Whatever people think about my messages but time will show and prove everything.....I have been writing so that I can distribute my studies and knowledge to the people which I have gathered by reading hundred of books thousands of articles in Google and watching thousands of videos on YouTube about stock market investing and my conclusion because of the  information I have gathered from the above books and watching videos is that retail investors investing and speculating and trading in stock market will never ever make money in the long term..... the only few who will make money and get out of the market at right time will be only because of luck and only 1% of the people will be able to do that...... rest all other 99% people have to and will definitely lose money in the stock market until unless they invest systematically and having a process and to follow that process in a disciplined manner.......
[8:44 AM, 3/14/2019] Jiten Patel: Current market uptrend rally should continue around 9th to 10th April atleast......
[8:44 AM, 3/14/2019] Jiten Patel: Nifty sudden upside move towards 11300 have caught investors unaware..... now if the nifty current uptrend continues till 9th to 10th April with very small negligible correction in between then the Anchoring Bias will play a bigger role in investors mind and eventually missing out of the current uptrend rally.....Also the sudden upside in nifty is very difficult to digest because just few days back there were hundreds of bad news and only few good news.....but still the market went is it possible for markets to go up......disbelief bias will rule over your mind and will keep you away from investing..... investors are still anchored to buying levels of 10300 nifty......if nifty comes to the level of 10300 we will buy.....Now Anchoring Bias and disbelief bias along with the fear of uncertainty..... doubts ..... will keep you away from investing in the market......

It is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell
[10:05 AM, 3/14/2019] Jiten Patel: Market will take a breather for its next move upside.....2/4 days of breather and then nifty should resume it's  uptrend from next Tuesday or Wednesday towards new highs.......
[1:51 PM, 3/14/2019] Jiten Patel: By next coming Tuesday or Wednesday if market corrects in a range and does not go below 11100 on closing basis then the probability of nifty going upwards are 85%......
[3:42 PM, 3/14/2019] Jiten Patel: If Nifty have to and wants to go up without letting the retail investors to participate in the current uptrend......then any corrections will be short lived time wise and also small correction price wise within a range....nifty won't go below 11100.....

Suppose say if nifty in the coming correction corrects to 10600/10800 levels....these time the whole world will come to purchase in the downfall and they are waiting for nifty to correct......
But such happy scenarios.... market doesn't entertain and market will not let us purchase stocks at our time and at our price levels......
Supposedly if market is correcting and if investors are waiting to purchase in the market correction...... then such a happy win win situation is never ever presented by the market to the market participants and it is just a wishful dream......
[9:06 AM, 3/15/2019] Jiten Patel: United spirits is a good buy from these price for long term.....
[9:08 AM, 3/15/2019] Niraj Patel Vadodara: ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
[9:36 AM, 3/15/2019] Jiten Patel: Current market uptrend rally should continue around 9th to 10th April atleast......
[11:57 AM, 3/15/2019] Jiten Patel: It is human psyche and also within you and me and all market participants that what we want to believe we will blindly follow it and take necessary steps.....and follow it up with action..... even after writing so many messages people will read and accept what I have written.... even understand it properly.....but still will do what their belief system will say..... even if they are wrong and which might ultimately result in a Loss....... belief system along with emotion is so strong that it is very difficult to uproot it from its foundations and it is gifted to us by it is no good fighting it.....but realising and being aware of it is the only thing that one can do and it is enough to get you to the shore and save yourself and also save you from future losses.....

People will continue with their beliefs and habits even when good things are thrown towards them...... and stick to and will accept onlywhat they believe......
[2:52 PM, 3/15/2019] Jiten Patel: Where are we in the market cycle.....

I will give you an example.....
Take water in a vessel and start heating the water slowly slowly.....
Phase 1 water is the plain tap water..... which we are heating.....
Phase 2 now after say 10 minutes of slow heating if you notice very few small minute bubbles start showing and surfacing.....
Phase 3 now after few more minutes of heating from small bubbles we can see big large bubbles start to surface.....

So in short from phase 1 of plain still water phase 2 of slightly heated water with small bubbles phase 3 of heavily heated water with large uncontrollable bubbles.....

Now compare the same phase 1 from year 2008 of still water to phase 2 year 2019/20 of small bubbles......

What today we are experiencing phase 2 of market with small bubbles here and there......but the path from phase 2 small bubbles to phase 3 large bubbles have just started which might last till 2022.....and these phase 3 bubbles will be so huge and big and uncontrollable by anybody......and the end result will be there will be no bubbles left...... everything will evaporate in oblivion and so will your hard earned money.......

Today We are in Phase 2 cycle and movie towards Phase 3 cycle......last leg of the Bull market trend........
[10:02 AM, 3/16/2019] Jiten Patel:
[4:09 PM, 3/16/2019] Jiten Patel:
[4:09 PM, 3/16/2019] Jiten Patel: Watch the above video after 40th minute...... And it is about how our brain make us Choke in situations where we face Pressure...... uncertainty...... when facing with a Loss (socially and monetary).....Doubts...... when we stand on a stage to give a Speech in front of a audience......

The same way we Choke ... Freeze and become clueless as to what to do when suddenly the stock we bought open next morning with a 20% circuit on the Downside......
[9:30 AM, 3/18/2019] Jiten Patel: Article Written on 14 th slowly slowly FOMO will start playing.......

If Nifty have to and wants to go up without letting the retail investors to participate in the current uptrend......then any corrections will be short lived time wise and also small correction price wise within a range....nifty won't go below 11100.....

Suppose say if nifty in the coming correction corrects to 10600/10800 levels....these time the whole world will come to purchase in the downfall and they are waiting for nifty to correct......
But such happy scenarios.... market doesn't entertain and market will not let us purchase stocks at our time and at our price levels......
Supposedly if market is correcting and if investors are waiting to purchase in the market correction...... then such a happy win win situation is never ever presented by the market to the market participants and it is just a wishful dream......
[11:00 AM, 3/18/2019] Jiten Patel: As told earlier when Nifty corrects for next few days and it doesn't go below 11200..... Then before 10th April we can see nifty breaking 11750 and making new life time highs....
[12:36 PM, 3/18/2019] Jiten Patel: Same is for Trading and Speculating in stock market or for that matter in any financial assets......the anticipation of making bags full of  money and a huge kill in the stock market is so strong .....that when there is possibility to make money then the probability is thrown out of the window...... what is the probability of you making in stock market in the long term.....nearly zero......but your brain will twist the probability to possibility of making money......
[3:46 PM, 3/19/2019] Jiten Patel: Sent on 13th March....

Only 3 stocks are Rocking....
Reliance industries
Axis Bank
ICICI Bank.....
[10:49 AM, 3/20/2019] Jiten Patel: If you want to the Below message which was sent on 13th March.....

If I have to give a scale from 0 to 10 for market cycle upwards trajectory from Bust to Boom......Then wE aRe stAnDing At sCAle 6/7 for marKet cyCle upwards trajectory from Bust to Boom......wE sTill haVe tO rEACh SCale 10 of the market cycle.....

I am revising the scale of current market cycle to phase 6 from a scale of 1 to 10...... And the current bull trend should last some where till the years 2021/2022.....
[12:39 PM, 3/21/2019] Jiten Patel: In these auspicious day of holi.....the mantra of making it big in market is to know......
Skill.... business and the management of the company
And the most important is psychology....
Emotions..... without learning psychology investors will not be able to make money in market.....

So I would like to tell investors in coming 4 to 5 years everyone will make money in market but then everyone will for sure and definitely will lose lots of money in market so learn to know your psychology and your emotions.....

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