Thursday, May 2, 2019


When in Euphoria bubble top.....we swim with the flow of market madness making new highs and Highs......the people around us are all thrilled and excited to make more and more of easy money in the top bubble market...... looking at these madness of the people pouring huge sum of their hard earned money at market Euphoria makes us look like idiots sitting on the being social animal we have a distinct feature of learning from other people by just looking at when we see loads and loads of people investing heavily at market tops we unconsciously start investing along with them at market tops.....there is a neural brain activation happening in our brain to confirm with the herd automatically even if we disagree with them ......the neural activation happening in our brain is so strong during Euphoria that even if we conciously feel that the market is in bubble territory and we should stay away from investing our hard earned money but still looking at people investing and confirming with them will happen without us even the chance of selling at market Euphoria phase is not going to happen for investors......there are also many reasons......but above is one of the reason also......Greed at the time of euphoric phase is most important player to put us in trouble.....

[1:19 PM, 3/31/2019] Jiten Patel: bove is the image sent to you which will help you to understand the market cycle from Greed to Fear..... and what plays out Emotionally and in the Economics......
Presently we are entering the market cycle of Optimism in Stock Market......we still have to travel the path of Enthusiasm Excitement.....Thrill......Greed.... Exhilaration...... Delusion...... Euphoria......long way to go to reach the final Bull territory.......
[1:27 PM, 3/31/2019] Jiten Patel: Supposedly if we are travelling by car from Mumbai to Delhi......then if I have to compare it with the place where we are standing in the current market cycle then we have crossed Surat and Vadodara and have just entered Ahmedabad...... and as per my opinion and view we have started the journey from Ahmedabad to Delhi.....but in between we will have to take many stops and breaks from the last final leg of the journey from Ahmedabad to Delhi......
[2:11 PM, 3/31/2019] Jiten Patel: Optimism...... market rally is real
Belief..... let's invest it all.....
Thrill..... everyone buy now.....
Euphoria.....I'm gonna be Rich....
Bubble territory reached.....blinded by the thought of making easy money.....
[3:19 PM, 3/31/2019] Jiten Patel: Market will make you see the only things which you want to see....
If you want to hear and see fearful things which supports your thoughts and conviction market will show you the same thing......and it will cloud your rational thinking..... and make you more emotional......

So in general presently there is fear about election results and it's marKet makes you hear and see everything about elections throughout the day till the election results outcome will be out.....
But the underlying story is that the market will keep us busy in such stories which we want to hear and see but the same time market is a conman and plays double game with us and shows double standard because it diverts our mind and brain in these so called stories but the market keeps on going up and up....... and we are still concentrating about the election and it's outcomes.....

These so called anamolly is played by the market on us everytime and leave us in fear psychosis and does not allow us to participate in the rally where we can actually make money.....
So the market will take utmost advantage of these fearful election environment which is created presently and which acts on us emotionally by going up and up..... and which happened in the last few weeks.....

Right now I am not saying to invest or buy...... and the above is my personal opinion and view only.......
[3:56 PM, 3/31/2019] Jiten Patel: The fear part of your brain is currently still firing immensely the reason being election results and so it did not allowed you to participate in the uptrend rally few weeks back..... because of uncertainty of election outcomes..... and also because of uncertainty in the relationship of India and Pakistan......
And Once you are convienced that now market is going up and up because of certainty and I got left out of the uptrend rally because of FOMO the activation in the Reward part of your brain will be so great and powerful that it will forcibly make you jump in the market at still higher levels..... and during these period the fear part of the brain will stop firing at all.....and now the Reward part of the brain will give you continuous signal to participate in the market at higher levels.....
These stage will come and surely come in next few months most probably.......

My views are personal only and please consult your financial advisor before making a decision of buying or selling.....
[10:58 PM, 3/31/2019] Jiten Patel: Before October 2019 Nifty can go up to the levels of  12600.....the chance and probability of nifty going to 12600 is almost like @95%......

But the chance and probability of Nifty going to 13600 levels before October 2019 is also almost like 75%.......

The above is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell.....

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