Thursday, May 2, 2019


My friends who are the follower of my messages I would like to tell you that if you are not a Value contrarian investor...then you are definitely going to lose money big time in the long term.....and also the probability of losing money are 98%....   And there are no chances to change or reverse these probability.....
But anyone following value contrarian investing and strictly following his system and process of the same for long term investing will be spared as compared to investors who are doing just the opposite......
Stock Market is the biggest Casio where people readily and happily come to lose their hard earned money and to give it to few limited seasoned investors.....
The probability for novice investors to make money in stock market by Speculating..... trading...... long term investing without knowledge is just 2% and that is also out of shear good luck.......

Believe me..... investors will keep on losing money until unless they invest by adopting the concept of CONTRARIAN INVESTING...

[10:46 AM, 4/13/2019] Jiten Patel:
[10:46 AM, 4/13/2019] Jiten Patel: Visualisation is the most important stimuli that the brain starts working on immediately with positive thinking...... thinking about what you want to achieve in your life.....a goal..... you have to visualise that goal with positive thinking everyday for one minute with close eyes..... so whatever you are visualising is ingrained in your hippocampus memory part of your brain...... and a specific Goal neuron is formed of what you are visualising  and what you want to achieve.....
Because of repetition of the visualisation everyday for the goal you want to achieve...... the Goal neuron will start becoming stronger and stronger and that neuron will start giving command to other parts of your brain to start working on whatever you are visualising with the help of your Goal neuron. ....
Now whatever happens in your daily routine life......all stimuli relating to what you want to achieve with the help of your Goal neuron with start capturing everyday in your daily life....the process of information gathering will be slowly slowly..... but you will not know that the changes are happening in your life because of the Goal neuron and it will be automatic and working on autopilot system without even you knowing about it .....
But eventually after few years down the line you will be surprised to know that your brain actually was working to achieve the goal target what you had visualised and had imagined few years back and now it has achieved those Goal target visualise and imagined by you and the command given by you continuously everyday to your brain to achieve that goal .......
So to achieve a goal or a set target what you have imagined and which you want to accomplish in the future part of your life or ..... firstly you start visualising in your brain that the goal or the target which you want to achieve..... secondly close your eyes and start to visualise and start talking positively with your brain about your goals and targets..... Start visualising and complimenting that you have already achieved that goal and targets.....
Visualise the scene where you have achieved the goal and target and people felicitating and congratulating you.....
It is a small process which you have to do everyday for only one minute in your daily routine life.......
[10:46 AM, 4/13/2019] Jiten Patel: Once a goal or target is set in your brain with continuous visualisation and talk to your brain about your goals and like planting a seed.....that is planting a idea in your brain.....that the seed starts germinating in the soil..... the goal and target starts germinating in your brain..... then from the seeds roots will start developing....than a stem.....then leaves.....then a trunk..... branches...... more leaves..... and finally fruit in the end...... same way after germination of a seed of goal or a target in your brain..... the process of formation of roots....stem....trunk..... branches.....leaves....fruits starts immediately in your life but the only difference is that we can see the seed growing to a big tree and finally giving fruits......but in our lives we cannot see these in between process of seed of goal and target sowed in our brain till the accomplishment of achieving the goal and target......
[11:16 AM, 4/13/2019] Jiten Patel: How the Advertisement agency take advantage of our brain.....
They continuously bombard us with their products and creates an impression of their products in our brain..... continuously bombarding the products advertisement by emotions......our brain develops a neuron for that advertise products..... actually if you understand the advertising agency attacks our brain and they are infact talking to our brain about their products which they want to sell to us.....they are creating an affirmation in our brain of their products so that we buy them...... and it works superbly...... Colgate.....thumps up......pidilite......etc.....

Same way why don't we market and sell our own ideas....goals..... targets to our own brain..... and continuously like the advertisement which we see regularly of coca cola.....Maruti cars.....lays chips.....bombard our own brain continuously with our goal......ideas...... targets.....
The only way you can achieve your ideas......goals..... target is first by visualising them for one minute everyday with close eyes.....
Secondly everyday talking about them so they are hammered continuously in your brain....
Lastly with positive thinking and positive emotions......

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