Tuesday, December 17, 2019

07/09/2019: Today in current stock market scenario Investors brain is in survival mode...... because of unfamiliar discomforting scenes going on in the market due to very high volatility..... It is better to be safe today then regret tomorrow...... the fear survival mode is activated in our brain because of all the bad news floating around us in newspapers headlines and in business TV channels......Recency Bias is playing on our emotions and we are falling prey to all the stories and gossips which are being spoken off around us.....

I am not saying that market won't go down from here but because of this fear and activation of our survival mode circuit we will miss the Bigger picture about how India will progress in the next 3/4 years or thereafter.....
But it is always the Important to invest in best companies at cheap valuations

[2:35 PM, 9/7/2019] Jiten Patel: Amit what views anyone can have for Yes Bank.....it is better to stay away from the stock......there are so many good Stocks in the market and you are getting at dirt cheap prices...... find them and invest in them.......
It is like asking how will it feels to stand here a wild Tiger in the forest......it is best to avoid it.....and navigate through a safe road
[2:36 PM, 9/7/2019] Jiten Patel: You are falling for Recency Bias......in Yes Bank

If you can understand the above article then neurologically the layman Investors will for 💯% will never ever be able to make money in any Market cycle......he has to lose money for sure because he is hardwired to follow evolutionary path given to him because of million of years of evolution and the same neurologically hardwired networks which helps us to survive acts totally opposite when we invest our money in any financial assets out of our emotions of Greed and Fear......

The only way Investors can survive when they have the knowledge of INVESTING and strictly Follow a process and system and our Emotionally very strong and know the trades of STOCK market.....like Warren Buffett.....Seth klaraman...... Rakesh Jhunjhunwala........or for that matter invest in SIP monthly basis irrespective of where the market is going.....


People who follow the bus of boom and bust are the ones who missed reaching the destination..... Yes it is very important to learn and know about market cycles when investing is concerned but to follow religious the market cycles is something next to impossible because it is about firstly of recognition of the market cycles and then buying low and selling high .....but we have formed patterns in our brain which does just the opposite of the market cycles..... And this patterns so formed are because of repitition of all our trades from the first day we started trading or INVESTING till today..... and if the so called patterns formed in your brain in so many years have got you losses then in future also the same patterns formed in your brain will make you trade or invest in the same manner and see to it that it will bring you losses and if the same patterns bring you profits then you have to continuously have to keep on fine tuning your system and process that it gets you more and more profits....
So I am guaranting you that neurologically the patterns formed in your brain because of the system and process what you have followed till date in trading and INVESTING have got you losses then in future it is going to be repeated until unless you change your habits and behaviours which will finally change your system and process in INVESTING and Trading.....

[10:23 PM, 9/11/2019] Jiten Patel: https://youtu.be/5reo3dXOicU
[11:08 PM, 9/11/2019] Jiten Patel: Apply the explanation of the above video for your STOCK MARKET  Trading and INVESTING....... how your past habits and behaviours in Trading and INVESTING in Stock Market affect your current and future prospects of Profits and Losses......

If your decision to take a position in any Stock scrip will be the result of the past  experiences of all the trades and investments you had taken from the first trading and INVESTING day to the present day....so if today you have made a choice to purchase the Stock of a company then that same thought will lead to the same type of past choices you have made in your past..... now the same choices will lead to same habits and behaviours of the past experiences of trading and investing...... now the same habits and behaviours will lead to same experiences of past trading and investing..... now the same experiences will produce again the same type of Emotions of past trading and investing..... Now the same Emotions will drive the same very thoughts of past trading and INVESTING.....

So this loop formed because of the Investors habits and behaviours is so strong because of our past experiences of trading and INVESTING that all  our present and current actions in all our trades and investing are results of this past trades and investing.....

And so if all our past trades and investing styles have resulted in losses then in no way in the world are you going to make money in stock market  in the present or even in your future in any of your trades or investing .... because this process it totally automatic and works under your subconscious mind and the Investors not even realising that the present trades and INVESTING what he is doing currently is all because of this automatic system and he lives in the illusion world that his trades and investing style will earn him money......so if you don't follow a proper process and system in trading and INVESTING which have earned you money in the past.... then you are living in fool's paradise if you think you can earn money in stock market......
[11:51 PM, 9/11/2019] Jiten Patel: Continuation of the above article.......

Just because you were being consciously wrongly taught because of your past experiences of all the trades and investments and  the very same repitition of your past experiences in such trades and INVESTING..... which now currently have become automatic unconscious actions and those past experiences of all trades and investing have now come to haunt you today in all your trades and INVESTING...... You think you are consciously taking decisions today in all your trades and investing but actually it is not you but the patterns formed in your brain because of your past experiences which are taking all your decisions of trades and investing......it is actually the habits and behaviours of all your past experiences of trades and investing which have got collected in your memory and they are responsible for all your current trades and investments....

But people who follow process and correct systems are the only ones who can really make money in the Stock Market..... and obviously the operators who knows how to exploit the Investors as what I have explained above......

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