Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The best part about my Formula price incident happened in 2015 when i happen to just intially discover my formula prices.....

One of my Relatives in 2015 happened to Purchase  Sun Pharma @1100/-...... And we were sitting with Relatives...... and the relative who purchased sun Pharma @1100/- said that it is a good buy and the stock will go to 2000/-......
And as it was the beginning for me to invest as per contrarian view.......i said the price of sun Pharma looks expensive and infact the whole Pharma sector looks expensive......this was in 2015.....

But some how the Pharma sector was in frenzy path so i was ridicule that i don't know anything......
Absolutely at that time i dii not know anything about the concept of Value INVESTING..... contrarian investing.......

But still i tried my level best to convince me relative that the good price to buy is when everyone is selling and no one is buying of the fundamental of the company is still intact and you have trust in the companies fundamental balance sheet.....

So in 2015 sun Pharma was @1200 High price....... today @ 380...... Will you buy even if there is a doubt in your mind it can go to 200/-......

No....... because i like buying at 1200/- and i will become a long term Investor till @200/-.......

But i will not buy @380..... And become a long term Investor till @200/-.......

[10:36 AM, 10/17/2019] Jiten Patel: Bajaj Consumer corp made a lifetime Low on 15th October just 2 days back of 195/-......

In the above if you see Bajaj Consumer corp my WISDOM OF THE CROWD AVERAGE PURCHASING PRICE......@192/-......

BAJAJ consumer corp Lifetime high price @525 in January 2018.....

From the above i hope you all are understanding the concept of Buy Low Sell High....

It is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also..... please consult your Financial Advisor
[11:35 AM, 10/17/2019] Jiten Patel: One by one all companies are hitting the Wisdom of the Crowd Average Purchasing Price......in such market they are hitting...... IMAGINE WHEN THERE IS FULL maandi and bear market......all companies will hit my formula purchasing prices....
[10:43 AM, 10/20/2019] Jiten Patel: Students find learning and studying very difficult......but it is absolutely a wrong thing to be judgemental about any thing and marking it as a difficult thing to do......

Learning and studying in school and College is basically changing your Animal Brain to Human Brain which is gifted to us by Evolution ......

Okay explain me what we were before we started Evolving and taking physical shape and structure of a Human being......
Yes we were Animals and we basically Evolved ourselves from Chimpanzee..... Monkeys.......they are our distant relatives.....

So after years of evolution here we are as a sophisticated well polished intelligent and smart human beings.....

Now just imagine if such a Human being is made to stay in the Savannah Jungle from Childhood ..... like in the movie Moghli......The development of the child from childhood to rest of his life will be exactly like a wild Animal......just like the other animals living in the Savannah Jungle......
So his Life will be adapted as per his environment and he have a  Animal like Brain...... like the movie Tarzan......

So rather than becoming a Moghli and a Tarzan who have a Animal like Brain for the rest of their life's......we all living here in a complex society and have an advantage to be intelligent and smart and become Human beings because of our more Evolved Brain......
Now as above even in today's world if a Child is kept to survive in the Savannah Jungle and completely cutoff from the morden world then he will first become a Moghli type individual and thereafter a Tarzan type individual when in his manhood......

Now only thing which makes and differentiate us humans from animals is education.....

Education is provider of Knowledge..... intelligence...... smartness and many more other things.....

And education can only be gained by Reading.... Learning and Studying....... infact our brain is designed to Grab and Absorbed Knowledge and Experiences......they are the food of the brain.....so infact by learning and studying and reading we are giving food to the brain and making it more Wiser and Smarter......

So for the brain to become a Intelligent organ we have to continuously provide it with information from the way of Reading...... learning...... studying and then by Experiences from the Environment .....

Now let us go to the topic of why students find reading and learning few subjects Difficult to study.....
Rather i would explain the corollary of the above.....
Suppose let us take a subject History...... and there are 10 chapters in the history Book.....

Now before you started reading and learning the history Book first chapter you had a brain which was empty and eager to grab and collect new information and experiences.....
So the first day of your school and history teacher comes and starts reading the first chapter in history......let's say about Chatrapati Shivaji and Aurengzab....... immediately your brain starts the collection of information and data about Shivaji Maharaj and Aurengzab......So your brain will develop a New Neuron about this subject and your brain will change from a Empty brain to a new Brain now having information and data about Shivaji Maharaj and aurengzab......so when the teacher finishes the first page and starts with the second page about the same first chapter more and more information and data is collected and grab by the BrAin and it now changes in to a New Brain permanently as compared to when you started before......And this goes on and on.....after completing first chapter......comes the second chapter then third...... and slowly slowly from a Empty wild brain you become a more well informed Intelligent smart Brain and a human being..... and it goes on and on from school to college to business experience to social Experiences.... from childhood to adulthood to old hood.......

But one has to remember than only after Continuous Hammering and Repetition of Learning...... Studying...... reading and Experiences can we convert Short term memory to Long term memory.......
So what we are taught in the school we have to go home and read the same first time.... then second time......then third time and keep it repeated continuously  and continue the hammering the chapter of all the  subjects in your brain...... because for brain data and information is food....... and one day after continuously reading studying learning and hammering information and data to your brain you will be surprised to know that the brain has transferred all the above data and information in to your Long term memory..... like today you were made to teach aboy Shivaji Maharaj and aurengzab......i think everyone knows and remembers them because we were taught about them say hundred times and now that information about this personalities is permanently stored in our long term memory also because the information about these Two personality were bomdarded in to our brain continuously and repititively.....
And it got for all the things in our lives.....

So all you students have to do is continuously bombard repititively and continuously keep on hammering the information and data received from all the chapters in all the subjects in to your head and brain by continuously reading studying learning......

But all
[1:33 PM, 10/20/2019] Jiten Patel: Many Airflights in the world are run on AUTOPILOT systems......
Once the plane lifts off the pilot puts the aeroplane in Autopilot mode from Manual Mode.....now before putting the aeroplane in the autopilot mode the Pilot enters the destination airport in his computer system and thereafter puts the plane in Autopilot mode.....the plane nagivates the whole route with the help of the GPS navigation system .....
Now when the plane wants to land at the destination airport in AUTOPILOT mode the beams and signals stationed at the Airport base directs the flight and landing of the aircraft once the plane comes in its range......now the GPS NAVIGATION system of the aircraft and the signals from the Airport base helps the plane to land automatically without the Interference of any humans or the Pilot .....

Now the same system operating in the aircraft works the same way in Human beings....Once after learning reading studying and experiences and thereafter continuously repititively and hammering information and data of any particular stimuli in your brain...... thereafter the Brain starts operating in Autopilot mode.....just like the Autopilot mode working in the aircraft..... everything your habits and behaviours become automatic of all your learning and experiences and of all the information and data you gathered from your childhood to till date will start working on Autopilot mode...... subconsciously with out coming to your notice......
[1:38 PM, 10/20/2019] Jiten Patel: The same way once you develop the habit of mindlessly Trading and Speculating you will develop a autopilot system in your brain and throughout your life you will do trading and Speculating because you have repeatedly and continuously hammered the process and system of mindless Trading and Speculating......

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