Tuesday, December 17, 2019


 Imitation is really important, because it’s a very fundamental part of human social interaction. It’s something that infants learn from the age of ten months-one year and engage in extensively throughout their lives. There’s been an enormous amount of theorizing, starting really with the work of Darwin. He said: man is very much an imitative animal, about what is imitation for, why do people imitate so much and so ubiquitously, if you got any primary school or nursery, you’ll see children imitate each other all the time.
 There is something about humans, in whom imitation seems to be a very strong effect. There have been lots of different theories that have been proposed for what imitation is doing. Particularly, that it enables cultural learning, it enabled one person to learn something, and another copies, and another copies, and this can spread and create a culture where everybody in a group learns. So it is a very efficient way of learning things. It is making information available to many more people in the group. Imitation is a very-very social thing. People engage in imitation even when they’re not learning. People engage in imitation in order to connect with other people and to show that they have a social connection with other people.

Because of this gift given to us by Evolution which is also sometimes called Mirroring Bias plays Havoc at the times of Market Extremes..... Bubble and Bust phases.....

At times of Bubbles and Bust Imitation or Mirror bias plays a dominant role because you act and behave and start INVESTING in stocks looking at the way your neighbours and friends are making tons of money at market Tops and same way you act and behave by Selling your stocks looking at them when they are frantically selling their STOCKS for losses at market Bottoms......

Because the imitation or Mirror bias is ingrained in our system from millions of years and we cannot win over it. The only thing we can do is to Become Aware of them at market extremes and THINK Rationally before we take any extreme Actions which are dangerous for our Financial Health.......
[6:39 PM, 11/12/2019] Jiten Patel: https://youtu.be/rqhSWI4-hnA

[8:36 AM, 11/15/2019] Jiten Patel: https://youtu.be/jeOB40AYC_U
[8:36 AM, 11/15/2019] Jiten Patel: How chronological Stress destroys are Physiology...... and in stress how the different parts of the Brain works in Tandem......

How does the stimuli of a loss  faced in the Stock market activates our brain mind and body and affects our physiology and keeps our being in a state of High alert continuously because of the fear and  the
Danger of INVESTING in the stock market......
This actually affects mostly all the participants of the Stock market particularly to those Investors who neither have a INVESTING or Trading system..... process and strategy and who invest Impulsively on Gut feeling and Tips.....

It is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also...... and the above is only my observation......
[5:48 PM, 11/15/2019] Jiten Patel: The Cognitive Ease through which we make money by Trading Speculating and Investing Irrationally in the Euphoric Market trends gives us a feeling of Safety and Pride and this Evolutionary gift eventually gets us trouble later on when the trades starts going against us.....this falls State of Safety is very Dangerous and is frequently repeated in the complex world......But these Evolutionary gifts which were enjoyed by our Ancestors in today's complex world can at times get us in to problems.....
[5:54 PM, 11/15/2019] Jiten Patel: Friends be careful when you are INVESTING your hard earned money because sooner or later Investors will adopt  Irrational habits and behaviours in stock market by not following a strong disciplined process strategy and system.......

I can definitely guarantee that 98% Investors..... Speculators....Traders will lose all their invested money in stock market to the 2% smart rational Investors.......
The more Irrational habits and behaviours an Investors adapt the highest is the Probability he will lose money in the long term.......

[10:00 AM, 11/20/2019] Jiten Patel: Slowly but surely we are moving towards the above levels
[8:37 PM, 11/20/2019] Jiten Patel: As already sent earlier and many Times...... NIFty projections for 2022.....2023..... can be in the range of 19000 to 21000.....

The above calculations are based on NIFty earnings.....for 2022 and 2023

 800*25== 20000......

The above is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also.......

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