Tuesday, December 17, 2019

[11:12 AM, 12/11/2019] Jiten Patel: Friends Cummins coming towards my Wisdom of the Crowd Average Purchasing Price and have again recalculated and Heromoto corp once again coming towards @2225/-...... which is also my Wisdom of the Crowd Average Purchasing Price.....

It is not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also..... please consult your Financial Advisor......
[11:14 AM, 12/11/2019] Jiten Patel: Also my Wisdom of the Crowd Average Purchasing Price is not full proof and the price of the Stock can go way below my formula price.....
[11:16 AM, 12/11/2019] Jiten Patel: Recalculated Price
In Cummins the Last Leg of Price Wise Correction has started......
Technical Correction Price @471/-.....
WISDOM of the Crowd Price @465/-.......

The above is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also.... Consult your financial advisor........
[11:20 AM, 12/11/2019] Jiten Patel: Cummins lifetime high @1248....
Hero Moto Corp lifetime high @4092....

[10:21 AM, 12/14/2019] Jiten Patel: What makes you say that there will be a fall of 25% after reaching 13500 in March 2020
[10:21 AM, 12/14/2019] Jiten Patel: Let's say if NIFty achieves @13500 and the participants in the stock market increases exponential then the correction can be Deep....... let's consider the second scenario if NIFty achieves @13500 and the participants in stock market are very less and few..... then the correction will be Shallow.....
Market Corrections amplitude and velocity also depends on the numbers and quantity of market participants at that particular moment...... and also on the levels of Speculation.......

The above is only for example purpose and is not a recommendation to buy or sell......
[10:21 AM, 12/14/2019] Jiten Patel: Not necessarily of 25% ...... the correction can be of 15% also.....
Correction can be anywhere between 10% to 25% ......
[10:31 AM, 12/14/2019] Jiten Patel: Market Corrections and Trend Change at the Euphoric Market Top is the Greatest because the Number and Quantity of Market Participants at that Euphoric moment is the Highest.......
And at the Market Bottom the Trend Change is the Greatest because the Number and Quantity of Market Participants is the Lowest......
[10:55 AM, 12/14/2019] Jiten Patel: Now in Current Market Scenario of Nifty @12000 where are the Market Participants.....do you find them at all in the market today.....they all have disappeared because of doubts ..... uncertainty and fear......zero conviction that the market can scale higher Tops .....
So when the belief is absent and certainty so Low in market participants...... the market psychological will move forward on the road to greater prosperity......
Actually the market is going Higher and higher to everyone disbelief is because Mr Market is preparing a breeding ground so when the Economy is Rocking upwards and when Mr Market is at Euphoric Top and when this for poor Investors come in huge Flocks to Purchase STOCKS......they will be readily sitting on huge profits and to off load their Holdings which they have bought many years back at Lower Prices.....
So be ready to play according to the game plan of Mr Market and as always part with your hard earned money to lucky and smart Investors who like Sharks will be waiting ready with Bait to eat you up at Euphoric Market Top.........
Welcome to the world of Mr Market where Poor Investors are the Bait of Hungry Sharks who are the ones who finally makes lots of money......
[11:18 AM, 12/14/2019] Jiten Patel: Now let's take a different perspective altogether.......
Now let's say by next coming year the economy and markets start improving and the Animal spirits of entrepreneurship and Investing comes back again and  starts moving upwards thereafter for the next 2/3 years time frame.......
Okay what do you expect of market participants...... with so many good news flowing..... economy reviving and Stock market making New Highs...... will they sit idle.....or they will rush will the emotional feeling of FOMO to earn their share of easy Money......
With estacy type feeling the market participants will go berserk to invest in what ever stocks they find which can make them fast instant and easy Money......
And this is the time the Sharks will be waiting to offload their STOCKS on us as Baits.....

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