Monday, December 23, 2019

Brain Patterns

Neurological Brain Adaptation........

Why is it so that the Human Brain is so Rigid to the Adaption of Changes.....

The neural synaptic Networks of Habits and Behaviours which are Developed throughout our life's make them so strong because of repetition of respective stimuli.....
So the HABITS and Behaviours we have developed in INVESTING and the Neural synaptic Networks which are formed becomes so strong that for the rest of our lives we will follow the same Process.....
So if currently you're process of INVESTING is bringing you losses then until unless you change your Process strategy and system of INVESTING the losses will keep on incurring and will go on and on......there are zero chances of making money in the long term.....once in a while you might be Lucky but eventually you have to LOSE for sure.....loss is guaranteed.....
Now if you try to change your old pattern of INVESTING by incorporating new process system and strategy things might change for good but then your Brain is coming in the Path of Changes and it will resist as much as it can to get you back to your old your old process strategy of INVESTING.....

So however you try to change your habits and behaviours your brain will come in the way to resist the change because the brain loves to maintain the status quo and loves it's comfort levels..... because with changes comes uncomfort and uncertainty and doubts and above all Hard Work.....arre but who wants to work hard to get good results.....
And so they say Brain is the most powerful organ.....i do believe it's true.....but when it comes to change this powerful organ becomes your biggest enemy because now you have to change and work hard and form new Neural synaptic Networks...... and for the same you have to use Mental Energy.....but who wants to waste so much mental energy.....the brain doesn't want to.....
And so this poor Investors will keep on INVESTING with their intuitive autopilot automatical reflexive functions of the Brain and will lose money for the rest of their lives.....

Now who wants to read this article and waste the Precious Mental Energy.....😀

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