Monday, December 23, 2019

IPO market Boom.....
After a lull period of 2 years the IPO market have just started and have become little active .....
The first sign of Markets improving and making new high gives the IPO market the conviction that now is the right time to collect money from Retail Investors..... mostly it is a Breeding ground for the IPO market because they know that the Retail Investors will subscribe to their Issues.....
Today there are very few IPO issues but once the secondary market gathers steam there will be a kilometre long line of IPOs to hit the secondary market so to extract money from Retail Investors at exhorbitant Valuations.......

[12:30 PM, 12/20/2019] Jiten Patel: WISDOM of the Crowd Average Purchasing Price Formula which i have invented and am following is basically based on the concept of Value and Contrarian INVESTING.....
The above concept of Value and Contrarian INVESTING is based on Under ownership of STOCKS.....
It is a INVESTMENT which requires lots of PATIENCE AND this STOCKS can underperform During A Bull Market Phase.....
When the whole world of STOCKS are outperforming this STOCKS might not do anything and might Languish for years and years without giving any Capital Gains...... like Reliance industries did nothing for 9 Years......
But my philosophy which i am practicing is based on Risk Reward Ratio and on Risk to Value Basis......
I believe in Protecting my Principal Money Invested in Stock market rather than short term Capital Gains which majority of Investors follows and practice......
Also if you are INVESTING on the basis of Price to Value Basis then one has to understand the Psyche of oneself and his habits and behaviours towards Investing..... because Psychology plays the most important role in Value and Contrarian INVESTING and it is the most difficult path to follow......
Contrarian and Value Investors will always look like FOOLS in any Bull Market because they are INVESTING against the Wisdom of the Crowd and the pain of watching other Investors making tons of money while your own portfolio languishing is too great to be experienced...... and it requires lots of Determination and Will to overcome and avoid the emotional urges of a Bull Market..... and making money along with the Herd.....
[12:35 PM, 12/20/2019] Jiten Patel: Value and Contrarian INVESTING is like Standing in front of a Full Speed Bullet Train.....
Full Speed Bullet Train is the irrational exuberance behaviours of Greedy Investors which comes and follows during Bull Market Trends......
[5:11 PM, 12/20/2019] Jiten Patel: Property Market Cycle
[5:11 PM, 12/20/2019] Jiten Patel: In Commercial Property Market we are in between Phase 4 Recession to Phase1 Recovery......
Maybe another one year or one and half years time..... Commercial Property Market in Mumbai should start Singing Santa Claus Jingle Bells.....

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