Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Any idiotic GREEdy Investors can become an expert at the time when market goes up and everybody is earning tons of money and making a killing in stock market....... but it is such times the idiotic GREEdy Investors get butchered and killed when the tide turns and not favourable to their style of INVESTING......
It is during such times one comes to know who is the real genuine Investors because even in such market their portfolio is protected and so is their Principal amount invested.......

Eicher motors lifetime high 29800and today made a Low of 17500..... the price of the stock at 29800 was irrational and was because of the Greed of the Investors...... Speculators and trader's....... now even it falls to 15500 no one will buy......but at 29800 the whole world went with their pockets full of money to purchase Eicher motors stock .....

[3:01 PM, 7/20/2019] Jiten Patel: NUEROCHEMISTRY AND MR MARKET

Neurochemistry of brain functioning in current market conditions......
The parts of the BrAin which are actively involved in processing the data of current market conditions are ACC....PFC.....INSULA..... AMYGDALA.....
THESE parts of the brain are responsible for the Emotional feeling of disgust..... Fear.....anger......sadness and so on.....
The ACC evaluate the possible gains and losses through your PFC and send the signals to your insula and amygdala about the possible dangers of losing money.......in current market conditions the signals sent by all the NEURONS are of market going down and of continuous losses ......the neuro biochemicals send these loss making signals throughout your brain and to your body through cells......
Now this signals are sent continuously every second....minutes.....hours and throughout your whole day and can last for months and at times even for years......now this signals are so strong that one feels helpless in such depressing conditions and situations because the environment around is full of fear and pessimism......as the market goes down this same chemical signals will become so strong that it will force you to think.....that everything is lost..... and the world is going to end.......but we have still not reached the stage when we can proudly and openly say that the World economy is going to collapse .......
But your brain will ingrained in your thinking and feeling about the world economy is going to collapse so strongly that you will be forced to even sell all your good stocks .....
Still today your Insula brain part  of pessimism is the only part which is active and which is firing intensely and giving you a signal about something is wrong in the market......but you are not been able to sell anything because the feeling of what IF the market goes up....... and I sell all my stocks.....so presently a war is erupted in your brain whether to sell or not sell.....such wars continuously keeps on happening in our brain and we are left with the decision of Status Quo.....Do Nothing.....let markets do whatever it wants to.....I will sit and watch......now if the market from current conditions go down still further to the levels which you did not anticipate..... then the signals of Insula firing will give way to Amygdala part of the brain...... which is for fight or flight.....I mean the signals for danger ......so when the market falls to levels not anticipated by you and such market levels are reached the danger signals of Amygdala will fire so strongly that you will sell everything irrespective of Risk Reward ratio.....
By the way when such a scenario arises this parts of the brain in all the one crore market participants will fire in synchronise and all will at one time come to sell together bringing the markets down still further......
This happens and will keep on happening as long as human beings are making decisions in the market because we are EMOTIONAL FOOLS WITH FEELINGS.....

[11:22 PM, 7/24/2019] Jiten Patel: If Nifty in next 2/4 working days doesn't go below 11200 and test the previous lows then the Nifty u turn short term trend upwards should be strong and convincing and nifty levels of 11600 can be expected easily in coming few weeks......Also I don't think 11150 levels will be broken in the current correction downtrend rally......
But please note the uptrend in Nifty will not be supported by all the Stocks......it will be very Stock specific and just be careful of INVESTING in stocks whose long term trend is downwards because still lots of pain is left in hundreds of STOCKS and this pain and misery is still going to last one more year.....so Invest in specific STOCKS only......

I know all your petrol to invest in stock is over and your car is running on empty tank.....yes no new money is there to invest..... what everyone must be thinking how much low my STOCKS are still going to go..... when will this selling rally stop.....as soon as my purchase prices comes I will sell all my STOCKS and get out of the market..... henceforth I promise myself I will not invest in stock market......if only I had sold STOCKS at higher prices.....I am a idiot not selling at higher prices when I got the opportunity to make profits.....

It is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also......
[11:32 PM, 7/24/2019] Jiten Patel: Nothing is going to end in this world...... such market correction are needed for the better health of STOCK market.....there was lots of toxins and poison in the market before the start of this current correction.....so it is GOING TO be good if market corrects and this dirt is removed because then the next uptrend rally will be strong and clear
[11:41 PM, 7/24/2019] Jiten Patel: I still don't understand why

Bosch was @29900/-
Maruti @9980/-
Eicher @29800/-
Page industries@36000/-
Blue dart @7900/-

Yet one thing is still proved that human beings are Irrational and are 💯% driven by the Emotions of Greed and Fear.....

Just few months back everyone was chasing to enter the market with conviction and confidence that he will be able to make easy money in market.....
Now same people are looking for an opportunity to exit from the same Stock they bought at higher prices even at a heavy Loss ....

This Emotional Pendulum Between Greed and Fear will keep on playing on us as long as market exists and we are the dumb idiotic investors who will keep on falling prey to the market swings..... and market cycles.....

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