Tuesday, December 17, 2019

[10:46 PM, 7/13/2019] Jiten Patel: If you presently are continuously think pessimistically and have doubts and negative thinking......it's is because from childhood you have programmed your brain to THINK accordingly......what you are today is because of what thoughts and feelings you have collected from childhood have been reinforced in your brain so strongly that it is almost impossible to change it until unless you firstly stay becoming aware of those thoughts and feelings.....ie your habits and behaviours.....it is so because every thought and feeling have been given  a specific neuron in your brain and these neuron are basically memory chips which are biological in nature.....so every experience comes along with a thought and feeling.....and when this very same thought and feeling are repeated for a stimuli in the environment the neuron alloted for that stimuli becomes stronger and stronger and the more you repeat it frequently it is carved in your brain permanently.....like bath neuron..... driving neuron ..... cricket neuron.....how to write a cheque ie cheque neuron......
Love neuron......sad neuron.....pain neuron.....angry neuron...... negative thinking neuron ..... Positive thinking neuron......
Now which neuron you use frequently becomes your habits and behaviours......so if you use your negative thinking neuron frequently they will become stronger and stronger and in whatever you do you will apply your mind with doubts. ... uncertainty......with pessimism...... and all your decision making you will find those habits and behaviours dominating all your present decision..... thinking.....
So then what else to do. ....start becoming aware of how are you thinking..... making decisions..... and if you find them that they are tilting towards negativity.......then slowly slowly start changing your thinking and decision making towards more positive ones.....
The best way is to think positively and create more and more of positive NEURONS.....
[10:46 PM, 7/13/2019] Jiten Patel: The above video is all about neuroscience...... about our thoughts AND FEELINGS..... and how we are forced to think and feel because of our past experiences which eventually forms our BEHAVIOURS and habits.....
So to break and come out of your past BEHAVIOURS and habits and reprogram your brain to THINK DIFFERENTLY AND positively you will first have to see the above video to understand what I have written......
[11:08 PM, 7/13/2019] Jiten Patel: Who are you today is because of all the NEURONS in your brain and because of the Emotional chemicals which are secreted every second because of your thoughts and feelings...... and they eventually form your personality......

[11:25 PM, 7/13/2019] Jiten Patel: If you think Big about a realistic achievable goal with positive emotions...... and continuously start visualising about already achieved the same goal twice everyday once when you wake up and when you go to sleep....till you achieve the goal..... 💯% one fine day you will achieve it ......
Why..... because once you start visualising the realistic goal every day ...... the same the goal which is visualised gets registered in your subconscious mind...... the goal neuron stay developing in your mind......and after repitition of Visualisaing the goal everyday ty same neuron starts to become stronger and stronger..... So now your mind......to body and For that matter every cell of your body starts to work in the direction of achieving thay very same goal..... your thinking and feeling will start immediately to achieve that goal.....but the most important thing is that the goal have to be positive goal and you have to think positively what ever might come...... thinking POSITIVELY with positive emotions is important along with positive goal......
[11:52 PM, 7/13/2019] Jiten Patel: ARE YOU GOING TO be defined BY THE VISION OF YOUR FUTURE OR are you going to live BY THE MEMORIES OF YOUR PAST.......
[12:37 AM, 7/14/2019] Jiten Patel: How can you make profits in stock market when you're past habits and behaviours were responsible for LOSSES.......

[10:32 AM, 7/19/2019] Jiten Patel: Nifty is still in the range.....but stocks are getting butchered and killed
[10:32 AM, 7/19/2019] Jiten Patel: Aare still they have to pull their hair....tear their shirt..... take depression medicine... blame themselves for acting stupidly...curse themselves to the core.....sell their holdings thinking all is over..... and so on....... thereafter the current correction will get over...... and these phase is still left.....most probably.....these time frame market is going to kill everyone.....

And afterwards new Nifty highs will start......

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