Tuesday, December 17, 2019

the above video are on Power of Visualisation..... ingrained it in your system and start the process of working on it...... you will achieve many great and big things in life.....visualise it every day and every night with your close eyes for one minute everyday......but remember it is a very slow process because brain takes a lots of time to change and changing process is slow and gradual......but after it gets feeded in your subconscious mind thoroughly then the changes happens very fast to achieve your Visualisation goal.....but be careful of not visualising negative thoughts..... because otherwise your brain will start to achieve those negative visualisation goals......

Trust me......if you tell your children to start visualising of already achieving 90% in his exams from the very first day of school.... every day and every night..... atleast once..... He will definitely will be able to achieve it or for that matter anything he starts visualising of achieving it he will surely be able to achieve it.....but you have to visualise that achieving picture...... only then your brain will start working on the things to be achieved.......
Like movie pictures you see..... okay tell me how movies have stories....
Story writer visualises the story and then the movie is made....think how the movie Avataar was made.....Last movie of marvel.....Thanos one....how star wars movie made...... somebody dreamt and visualise it and wrote the story and so the movie was made.....all the movies were fictitious but they all looked as real.....
How Steve jobs created macantosh......he visualise it first and so was macantosh created......
How architecture is visualised and how bridges..... building....dams are made.....they all are visualise and dreamt off...... by the architect and designer and by engineers......

Friends one thing which is hidden and completely ignored and not spoken by all the experts and the analyst is about the yields of G-sec 10 years bonds of India.....
Somewhere in September 2018 the g sec bonds yield were around 8%...... now the same G-sec 10 years bond is gradually going down and down and today is at @6:54%.....
Now the general Investors and business people will not realise the importance af G-sec 10 years yield bonds going down.....
It applies that in the future the interest rates in India are and will go down and lots of liquidity will flush in the economy......
More liquidity and cash flow in the banks will reduce the lending rates still further and Banks will be forced to lend money by default......so the credit flow will increase and indirectly the economy will start to pick up and the economy will zoom because more people and businesses will now take loans at low interest rates..... and the animal spirits will once again start to dominate......
G-sec yield going down means RBI in near future will start dropping monetary policy rates and flush the economy with liquidity......

So maybe this process might take between one to two years to play out.....but thereafter the next two to three years will be rocking for the economy and also for the stock market.....
At one time the G-sec might or can go below 6% also......

Once that happens then I think the best of the days will surely and definitely come......

Happy INVESTING for long term......

[10:15 PM, 7/10/2019] Jiten Patel: Government wants banks to lower interest rate spread to bring down cost of capital
The interest rate spread – the difference between deposit and lending rates – is significantly higher in India compared with global norms.
By Atmadip Ray, ET Bureau | Jul 09, 2019, 09.53 PM IST

KOLKATA: The government is in favour of banks lowering their interest rate spreads which would help reduce the cost of capital and boost the economy, India’s principal economic advisor Sanjeev Sanyal said.
The interest rate spread – the difference between deposit and lending rates – is significantly higher in India compared with global norms.

Sanyal believes that the stage is set for banks to lower spreads, with the cleansing of balance sheets and increasing traction in recovery of bad loans through the bankruptcy process.

“The insolvency and bankruptcy process is finally bringing the money back. As the system gets cleaned, banks will be able to lower rates. When the process begins, the vicious cycle will turn into a virtuous one,” Sanyal said Tuesday in Kolkata, on the sidelines of the AGM of the Indian Chamber of Commerce.
[10:15 PM, 7/10/2019] Jiten Patel: He said that there has been a 600-basis point reduction in inflation over the last five-six years while lending rates have not come down commensurately. On interest rate transmission, RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das Monday said it used to take up to six months for an interest rate cut to be transmitted to consumers but things have improved lately.

Niti Aayog Vice-chairman Rajiv Kumar said the target of achieving a $5 trillion economy by 2024-25 is doable, and the private sector would have to take the lead. “It cannot be done by the government alone,” Kumar said at the ICC event.
Sanyal said that with inflation trajectory under control, corporates should get capital at lower real interest rate.
[10:15 PM, 7/10/2019] Jiten Patel: Now, we have anchored inflation and have seen this level for some time, it is now possible to lower the cost of capital,” he said, adding that about 90% of the fiscal deficit is on account of interest payment. So, the high cost of capital has been the primary concern for both the government and industry.
At the fiscal level, the government has decided to borrow overseas where capital is cheaper.

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