Saturday, June 6, 2020

[11:57 AM, 3/21/2020] Jiten Patel: But the people are still roaming around without using their mind...... Such people should be sent to Italy and allowed to roam freely on the Italian streets because these indians think nothing will happen to them.....
[11:57 AM, 3/21/2020] Jiten Patel: It's like There is a lake full of Crocodiles...... and these idiotic people say aare I will go to swim in that crocodile feasted lake...... because I am indian and nothing will happen to me.....
[11:57 AM, 3/21/2020] Jiten Patel: Let them face corona Virus on the Italian streets and they will understand
[11:57 AM, 3/21/2020] Jiten Patel: THESE EVENT of CORONA VIRUS PANDEMIC IS like a BLACK SWAN.......

It doesn't happen very often and the Probabilities of such situations happening is just 1%
But human beings are so complacent that they will not understand the importance of such catastrophic.....

It doesn't happen very often but the Probabilities are always there.....
But because we have not experienced such BLACK SWAN  routinely human beings psychologically are very slow to adjust and adopt the new environment and even if they adapt it is with great difficulty because our routine life is Broken and Neurologically our brain doesn't accept the New Order...... because the Brain wants to be in Routine and disregards Something which doesn't Confirm that Routine

[7:25 PM, 3/23/2020] Jiten Patel: But to Predict from @12400 to 8550/ anyways not a small thing.....

This corona Virus pandemic scenario is an extraordinary event......
When Correction Prediction are done it is not CALCULATed that whole Country will come to Stand Still...... Countries will be locked down...... Production of goods will stop..... services will stop......
How can anybody in the world could CALCULATE all such extraordinary event happening round about.....

When in first week 4th  February I had written when NIFty @12400 a Correction is happening nobody understood.....
Then I had written market will Correct till 10th March.....

Then I understood the CORONA VIRUS issue and incorporated that new information around 15 February and told market may extend its Correction till 24 March and new Nifty levels @8550/7850.....

Now NIFty closed @7600.....

How the hell can someone Predict so accurately that NIFty when at @12400 will and can go to @6800 or to @6500.....

It can go to 6000 also in such extraordinary Times.....
But who can judge the bottom accurately.....

So is it better to buy @12400 or @8550.....
So NIFty when @8550 I have started Buying in Staggered manner......
At every fall I am buying...... don't see the recent picture of market......
World will not will rebound in 3 months......5 months...... maybe one year and then it will what.....

What will be NIFty levels 2 to 3 years down the line......

Have to see the Bigger picture.....

If you are short term Investor than every penny counts.....but if you are long term Investor even if my portfolio is down by 40% when I started Purchasing from NIFty levels Staggered doesn't matter......

In bottom when Valuations to price ratio is good it doesn't make any difference.......
[7:28 PM, 3/23/2020] Jiten Patel: One fine day STOCK market will be closed until the CORONA VIRUS pandemic gets solved......

[5:05 PM, 3/24/2020] Jiten Patel: LOCK DOWN was the first stage....... which PROBABILITIES wise can be extended till 15th April......

As we Humans have a general tendency to continuously keep on moving these current Corona Virus Pandemic BREAk out Psychologically and Neurologically is going to play a Havoc in and on human Brain......
We Humans are so used to moving and going here and there and especially Indians are  extremely strong Social Animals...... like we always are in Groups and never alone.....
But these extraordinary event is going to try all our Patience Psychologically and Neurologically......
Right now is just 2 day of Complete Lock Down......still we have to go to 31st March which most probably will be extended to 15th April.....
As we have zero Experience of sitting in one confined space and the first ever Experience to be completely locked down in our houses..... Psychology and Neurological it is going to have its toll on us......
There will be many times you will get frustrated will be angry.....will be in depression of doit nothing and sitting at home.....but these will be trying TIMES when you have to control your EMOTIONS and not take a wrong step of going out of your House......there will be thousands of temptation signal firing in your brain to go out of the house THINking nothing will happen...... During these fight between Rational thinking of sitting in the house and Irrational THINking of going out of the house that let me go out for few minutes is the time your guards will be down and your Probabilities of catching the CORONA Virus will be very High......Such dangerous lapses will put you in trouble and your family and your neighbours......

So right now Experiencing the reality of  Complete lock Down is still not absorbed by your Brain Completely and it is confused .......
But as few days goes Emotions of Boredom frustrating anger will get the Better of you and will force you to take STUPID LIFE THREATENING STEPS just to fulfill your desires.......

So the best way is to do different different activities at home......
Read Books
Watch Movies
Play Carrom
Play Monopoly
Play Quiz games
Spend time with family
Do Regular Excercise
Do yoga meditation
Cook food
Hook up with old friends on WhatsApp Web........

There are so many different things you can do but don't get yourself feel lonely and become Emotional......

Take Care.......
[9:12 AM, 3/27/2020] Jiten Patel: Prorata NIFty Lowest levels are @7150...... and NIFty in recent rally had gone to @7511......
[9:13 AM, 3/27/2020] Jiten Patel: Nifty will reach @@9350 and once again Nifty slowly slowly in next few weeks say by 2 nd week of May will reach @7900......
[9:19 AM, 3/27/2020] Jiten Patel: written EARLIER my personal opinion and view NIFty levels are REACHED @7850.....So what it means that Pricewise the market Corrections is Over.....
But Timewise Correction is still left ...... the Timewise Correction will still Last for 1 month to 2 months.....max timewise Correction will Last between 4th week of April to 2nd week of May 2020.....
Please note again but Timewise Correction is just a Formality for NIFty to make a Base for the next Bull Market rally.....
Also note if the CORONA VIRUS pandemic situation really deteriorates then we can expect Still  your Financial Advisor befor

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