Saturday, June 6, 2020


[2:35 PM, 6/3/2020] Jiten Patel: The way NIFty is going up Levels of @10750 and if the rally is extended still further then @11150 can be expected......

It is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also.....
I am not a certified financial advisor.....
Please consult your Financial Advisor before Investing......
[4:02 PM, 6/3/2020] Jiten Patel: Friends but is not a time to Buy but to Ride the Uptrend Rally as long as the NIFty energy and steam which started from left....
Yes there WILL be small Correction on the way to @10500 to @10750......but the last leg of steam is still left in NIFty and from thereafter a 15% Correction can be expected from The Current Uptrend Rally High........The High can be @10500.....@10750......or extended rally High @11150.....
But  higher Probabilities wise Nifty LEveLs of @10750 can be expected and thereafter whatever higher highs also if NIFty makes we can expect 15% Correction.....
Also Nifty is at Overbought Situation currently but follow the Trend for now and don't Buy......

IT is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendati…
[4:16 PM, 6/3/2020] Jiten Patel: S&P 500 USA.....

Low 2008.....@667
High 2020......@3430....
Which is 5 Times from Bottom
Then from HIGH of @3430 it Corrected by 36% to @2191.....

LOW 2008......@2250.....
HIGH 2020.....@12430.....
Nifty from 2008 LOWS went up by 5:50 Times......
Then High of @12430 it Corrected by 39% to @7512....

Now the comparison....

S&P500 from Lows of @2191 went up to current present level@3080 and final TGT lvls @3130...... which is 43% from @2191(lows).....

Nifty from Lows of @7513 went up to current present level@10150 and final TGT lvls @10750...... which is 43% from @7512(lows).....

Do your maths..... and let's hope both the Indexes behaves like this till @3130 and @10750 Levels are REACHED......

IT is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also.....
I am not a certified financial advisor......
Please consult your Financial Advisor before Investing.....
[4:57 PM, 6/3/2020] Jiten Patel: Spanish Flu Pandemic outbreak happened in the Year 1918.....
Thereafter a Bull Market rally had started in USA till 1929....
The Great Depression of 1929 is a Very Famous Synonym.....
So from 1918 to 1929 is almost like 11 years......

If you take history in to consideration..... Corona Virus Pandemic started in 2020..... Let us assume thereafter the Biggest Bull Market rally starts and last for 10 years which is @2030........

The famous sentence of Mark Twain.....
History Doesn't Repeat Itself but it does Rhymes......

As in previous historical data after every war.... health catastrophic......the world COMES to Stand Still.....But Once things Normalises thereafter the Biggest Bull Market Rally in history WILL Start.......

I do agree that we are not out of the Woods in current situation..
But whenever this corona Virus Pandemic issue GETS Over I mean Thereafter the biggest Bull Market rally should and can start or even before that......

It is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also......
I am not a certified financial advisor.....
Please consult your Financial Advisor before Investing.......

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