Saturday, June 6, 2020


[10:48 AM, 5/29/2020] Jiten Patel: My Guess and Prediction is that from Next Coming Monday see Market should start Its Correction Downwards.....

most important thing is the correction in NIFty which as per me shall start from Monday onwards.... the intensity of the Correction should be verh High towards downwards Trend.....
Also the Correction in NIFty TIMEWISE should last more than 7/8 days with strong intensity towards downwards Trajectory......
And as previously written that if the Correction is as per my READING and Guess then NIFty LEveLs of  8400 can be expected in coming few weeks.....

Also today is the last day of the Reliance industries rights issue and as per me the market was made to sustain so the Reliance rights issue gets over......

Also if today something Trump says and comes out with more Trade sanctions on China because of Hong Kong issue is also a possibility.....

So be away from the market for next 3/4 Weeks if NIFty starts the Correction from coming Monday onwards......

IT is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also......
I am not a certified financial advisor......
Please consult your Financial Advisor before Investing.....
[3:19 PM, 5/30/2020] Jiten Patel: Also if in coming week or two Nifty doesn't go below @9000......then I will be PROVED OTHERWISE as per my earlier Guess and Prediction of NIFty levels...... thereafter
As such NIFty can scale upwards and continue the current Uptrend rally to @10500.....then @11200......
[11:59 PM, 5/30/2020] Jiten Patel: 1929 dow jones top
1968 dow jones top

It took 39 years cycle......

1968 Dow Jones top
2007 Dow Jones top

It took 39 years.....

2007 Dow Jones top
2046 Dow Jones top

It can take 39 years as per hindsight......

But anything can happen in stock market.......
[11:59 PM, 5/30/2020] Jiten Patel: But there is other theory also of 30 to 32 years or so.....

1968 dow jones top
2000 Dow Jones top

It took 32 years.....

2000 Dow Jones top
2030/32 Down Jones top

So next coming Bull Market can go up till 2030......

And if that happens my TGT lvls for NIFty in the year  2030......@52000/54000......

[2:48 PM, 6/1/2020] Jiten Patel: But remember as I had written Earlier in April if NIFty trades between 9900 and 8400 then NIFty going below 8000 will be very difficult again NIFty is @9900..... and so I believe that @7500 will not be reached again and NIFty Reaching @8000 will also be very difficult.......

 We will be trading above @8400.......
 Banks will do good in next rally......

But a Correction can be expected.....a small and shallow Correction or deep Correction will come to know by next few day or next week......
[4:29 PM, 6/1/2020] Jiten Patel: One most important thing in Short SELLING is Don't Short Sell when the Trend and Rally is Strong..... let the current rally and trend complete it's full steam and strength and then let it get exhausted...... Once it gets exhausted try to Identify that exhaustion in rally and trends.... Once you know how to identify the exhaustion of a rally and trend and thereafter you short sell and only then you have a chance of making money by short SELLING......
But that is achieved only by lots of experience and knowledge and WISDOM.....
So Once you are a player.... i mean an expert then only fall in to the water which is Full of Sharks..... otherwise the Sharks will kill you...... always remember in F&O we are small fishes waiting to be eaten by the Big Fishes........ market is Full of Big Fishes and Sharks..... and always remember we are the dumbest Investors in stock market.......
[6:25 PM, 6/1/2020] Jiten Patel: Everyone seems to be waiting for the market to correct and are ready to buy at 8000. If this is so, will it happen?
[6:25 PM, 6/1/2020] Jiten Patel: 😀😀.....say supposedly if NIFTY falls to @8400......they will not buy and will wait for NIFty to fall to @7800.... And supposedly say NIFty reaches @8000..... They will not Buy and will wait for NIFty to fall to @6800.....
These is a endless and meaningless and mindless game which the Retail Investors play with themselves.....
They feel if they will do wishful thinking NIFty will come to their levels..... okay even though if NIFty comes to their levels they will now frame a New NIFty levels in their mind which is still Lower......
So THese game of chor police played by retail investors is not going to help them in Investing and they will be the ultimate Losers in the long term.......
[11:09 PM, 6/1/2020] Jiten Patel: Nifty TGT lvls for FY 20/21 as per my READING......

LOW ......@8400
LOW WORST CASE.....@7100 ( Pro Rata wise..... In 40 years of market history it has happened only once)


So there is 90% Probabilities of Nifty range 8400/14000......

So there is 10% Probabilities of Nifty range 7100/14000......

It is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also.....
I am not a certified financial advisor......
Please consult your Financial Advisor before Investing......

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