Saturday, June 6, 2020


[9:30 AM, 4/28/2020] Jiten Patel: vaporation of IPOs......
As all market participants must have recently noticed that the Issuance of New IPOs have COMPLETELY Disappeared from the Primary Market....
Just Few months back there was a que for this IPOs to hot the Secondary market......But who Promoter will take the Risk to go ahead with his IPO...... because he wants to issue the IPOs at high Price and also it should be completely one wants to offer their companies IPOs at discounted they will all wait for market to go up and extract money from the foolish Investors at HIGH Prices to Valuation basis. ....

Also it is also one of the reasons to invest money in the market because it undoubtedly it proves that Market is Down and at good Price to Value RATIO.....
Also it is one of the good indicators of market are good to invest for long term when IPOs disappeared Completely......

It is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also.......
Please consult your Financial Advisor before Investing......
[1:50 PM, 4/29/2020] Jiten Patel: Markets Current Uptrend Rally can be on shaky Grounds after 5th May Onwards and the Probabilities of Correction thereafter is almost 85%.....But the current Uptrend rally Can Extend it's Wings and go till 12th May also....

So Waiting currently for the current Uptrend to complete it's rally is Wise as of now till we don't get a clear signal of Trend reversal......Also any correction in market thereafter can take Nifty to @8250 levels......

IT is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also......
Please consult your Financial Advisor before Investing......
[1:53 PM, 4/29/2020] Jiten Patel: But as written Earlier about my NIFty TGT levels of @9600 which is almost reached...... now let's see what happens next......

[10:15 AM, 5/8/2020] Jiten Patel: Don't read any of these reports at all...... just be Invested in good fundamental companies for next 7/10years timeframe and enjoy the biggest Bull Market rally India has ever seen......Just be Invested and Stop Reading any good Fundamental STOCKS as and when Markets give you the opportunity to Buy at Lower Levels and Lows.....
Let the current extraordinary Times of CORONA VIRUS PANDEMIC pass COMPLETELY for good and Once the world Economic Engine starts to Roll...... you will praise yourself for braving the WORST Disaster world could ever Experienced......So Once the WORST CASE SCENARIO of CORONA VIRUS PANDEMIC is Over then only Up.....Up.....Up.....No looking back......
But have to face Bravely the current storm of CORONA VIRUS PANDEMIC......

It is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also..... I am not a certified financial advisor..... please consult your Financial Advisor before Investing.......
[2:40 PM, 5/8/2020] Jiten Patel: If 10 years GSec yields today  closes below 5.95% then Superb and Finally the waiting game will be over for the GSec yields to go below 5.50% and I probably think and Guess that it can go below 5.25% ALSO during the current downtrend rally.....
Current price is hoping it to close below 5.95%......

It is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also.....
I am not a certified financial advisor.....
Please consult your Financial Advisor before Investing......

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