Saturday, June 6, 2020


To be unable to get a general understanding of a situation because you are too worried about the details.

Why did I choose THese particular topic is of atmost relevance and in today's current situation is most apt.....

I spoke with someone and we had a discussion about the Stock Market and The Prevailing Economic Situation in India......

I would like to tell all my friends that we are becoming Biased towards Representative and RECENCY..... today both these Biases are dominating our Thought Process and our THINking have become Irrational.....
We are still stuck to the Concept of Pessimism and have the view that Indian Economy will collapse.....
Yes it is correct..... Indian economy has collapsed but for a quarter or two or three..... maybe these whole year will and might be a Wash out year.....
But who doesn't know it......the information is in the domain and the whole world knows it.....
Corona Virus Pandemic Lock Down was the WORST thing to happen.....I mean the patient had to be admitted in to the ICU.....
Now the Economy is opening up slowly.....So the patient is recovering and will be out of the ICU and one day will be out of the Hospital......

Same way the Economy has started to resume..... slowly slowly things will come on track maybe say in 1 year time and after 2 to 3 years The Economy will Run on Full Steam and Energy......

Today is the time to be cautiously optimistic and think Optimistic about the Future.....

Okay tell me what do you think of CORONA VIRUS PANDEMIC in 2025.....
Every thing will be forgotten....We all will be busy in our Routine Life..... Economy will be back on its LONG Term Trajectory and most Probably will start Rolling and you will not be able to even imagine.......

So don't Miss the Bus. Think Big. Think Long Term and be Invested and Invest for the long term......

We have seen the WORST of Lock Down..... nothing can be bad for the Economy then a lock Down..... Everything came to halt..... Standstill..... Now in current situation things have started to open up and people have started moving and adopting their Routine Life previously disturbed by the Pandemic.....
Don't wait because the world will not wait for you.....
Invest Smartly......

It is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also.....
I am not a certified financial advisor......
Please consult your Financial Advisor before Investing......

Bharti Airtel if pricewise Correction happens then @522 and final @502/-

Otherwise if only Timewise Correction happens and so  pricewise  doesn't  happen then only @540 can be expected.......

IT is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also......
I am not a certified financial advisor.....
Please consult your Financial Advisor before Investing......

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