Saturday, June 6, 2020

[9:12 AM, 3/27/2020] Jiten Patel: rorata NIFty Lowest levels are @7150...... and NIFty in recent rally had gone to @7511......
[9:13 AM, 3/27/2020] Jiten Patel: Nifty will reach @@9350 and once again Nifty slowly slowly in next few weeks say by 2 nd week of May will reach @7900......
[9:19 AM, 3/27/2020] Jiten Patel: written EARLIER my personal opinion and view NIFty levels are REACHED @7850.....So what it means that Pricewise the market Corrections is Over.....
But Timewise Correction is still left ...... the Timewise Correction will still Last for 1 month to 2 months.....max timewise Correction will Last between 4th week of April to 2nd week of May 2020.....
Please note again but Timewise Correction is just a Formality for NIFty to make a Base for the next Bull Market rally.....
Also note if the CORONA VIRUS pandemic situation really deteriorates then we can expect Still  your Financial Advisor befor
[9:21 AM, 3/27/2020] Jiten Patel: Had written in the above article on 20th March NIFty will go to 9000/9200......
[9:42 AM, 3/27/2020] Jiten Patel: Final one thing is left which I had predicted...... and then all my prediction levels Reached

10 years GSec yields should Once go below @5:50% and thereafter the Biggest Bull Market rally will start.......

IT is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also.....
Please consult your Financial Advisor before Investing......
[9:44 AM, 3/27/2020] Jiten Patel: But the biggest bull rally will start little slow because of the WORST phase we all are going through because of CORONA Virus .... And only after the CORONA virus pandemic issue is solved.......

IT is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also......
[12:00 AM, 3/29/2020] Jiten Patel: Human Evolution of millions of years.......
As we all know that we human beings have evolved through millions of years and in these millions of years of evolution we have braced through so many mass extinction diseases in these millions of years of our survival......
But as always through history it is proved and proven 100% that human race will survive and will keep moving forward......
But as per the saying survival of the fittest...... mother nature will play everything in its capacity to maintain the equilibrium of each species on the planet.......
And so many more such catastrophic diseases will keep on coming and keep on testing the will of the human race which have survived on this planet for millions of years of evolution and such pandemic will surel…
[10:06 AM, 3/29/2020] Jiten Patel: Often there are times in Investing when Markets give you an opportunity to buy or sell.........
Right now in Such Extraordinary Situation and Times Markets is giving a lifetime opportunity to Buy at Lower Levels......
From a Life time High of @12400 we have almost Corrected to @7500 which translates to 40% Correction from lifetime high......

As such THese Low made by NIFty as per my READING and Statistics is a Good Buying Opportunity......

Now currently NIFty levels is at @8600......It looks to me by next few weeks NIFty might again go down to retest it's RECENT Lows to make a Double Bottom Formation......
Now if on closing basis NIFty convincingly closes below @7500 then @6800/7200 levels can be expected.......

Also one more thing which I have Observed in Technical Chart Analysis is the Breaking Down of RISING LOW TERM RECTANGULAR CHANNEL......

Now as per the technical analysis Rule the significant BREAk Down of the Support levels of this LONG TERM RECTANGULAR CHANNEL opens up the Pandora Box and it looks like as per the technical rule NIFTY can Travel to @6450......

But other Thing to note is in the last 40 years history of NIFty the Lowest ever levels NIFty have travelled to as per prorata basis of today is @7150......

Now if you see the conflict is between 3 NIFty that of 7500....and the second level of @7150......and LASTLY levels of @6450........

So I would advise all Investors to Invest in staggered manner in coming few weeks because in such extraordinary Times no one can Predict what will and might happen......

And the one who thinks is very Smart and confidently say that he can accurately predict NIFty levels in current situation is living in Fool's Paradise.....

But sooner than later Bottom Formation between NIFty levels of 7800....6450 will start and a New Beginning will start thereafter with New Vision and Outlook about the Market and the World Thereoff

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