Saturday, June 6, 2020


[2:06 PM, 4/24/2020] Jiten Patel: There are still many STOCKS which have the Possibilities and Probabilities of Going Down by 25% to 35% from the Current Price Levels......
So to identify THOSE good Fundamental STOCKS and thereafter Invest in them Once they Correct by more than 25% is the key of Successful Investing........And so one will have to practice Patience and wait for the opportunity to invest once these STOCKS start to break downwards and start making New Lifetime LOWS.....
Please don't ask me the Stock names......that you have to identify and invest.......
Also for that matter all the stocks as per my READING won't go down and make New lifetime LOWS......but few selected STOCKS Possibilities and Probabilities wise can go down from here and make New Lifetime LOWS

IT is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also......
Please consult your Financial Advisor before Investing......
[9:52 AM, 4/25/2020] Jiten Patel: Feed the Birdies 🐦 when they are Hungry......

You must be surprised why have I chosen the above topic......

So let me explain in brief.......

As everyone knows we are in a Pandemic Period which arrived almost after 100 years......And as such very few people of that generation are alive to tell us about the Experience and  story of that Spanish Flu Pandemic.....

But somehow the Human Race  survived 100 years ago and here are we again facing the same type of Situation......but I am not going to write about the Pandemic what the topic says is very important to interpret and accordingly act on it ......

Now let's assume you have Pets.....dogs fishes and cats in your house......
Now do you Continuously keep on GIVING them food to eat Randomly at anytime and any Quantity of Food..... Absolutely must have fixed the Timing and Quantity of Food to be given to your pets everyday......

Same a A Value Investors Philosophy should work on the same BASIS...... Confused.....

When is the Right time for a Value Investors to give Food to Whom and When......
Yes..... Still Confusing......
Okay I will explain you......the Pets in the Market are the Retail Investors and The Timing is at the Top of the Bull Market when you Provide them food at Rich Overpriced Speculative Valuations and Prices and Sell your STOCKS to These PETS Because at Market Bull Market Top The PETS become hungry and Start Barking for Food Because for them food is The Greed of Making Quick and Easy MONEY......

But then for you to not fall in the PET Catagories...... what WILL you do......😀
That is for you to Decide as of now...... Because reading the article one can easily understand when should one Buy and what should be the Motto of Buying.......

Most Importantly always remember.....
Feed the Birdies only when they are Hungry.....
So are you the BIRDIE who is Hungry at Bull Market Tops..... Identifying yourself in which catagory you fall in is of utmost most important......

So till such time COMES be Ready with your food Because Down the Line few Years from Now These BIRDIES 🐦 are Going to be Hungry For Sure......

IT is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also......I am not a certified Financial Advisor.....

Please consult your Certified Financial Advisor before Investing......
[11:26 AM, 4/25/2020] Jiten Patel: By the way after every Pandemic......War......a Big Natural Calamity which affects the World in General....... The Economy Growth Rate of the World ZOOMs to Extraordinary Heights Upwards which no one can ever be Able to Even Dream About it.....
As such today we are passing through Extraordinary Situation which came after almost 100 years......we are seeing Extraordinary things Happening.......we are seeing Extraordinary Times of Economy DISASTER......
But Once these Extraordinary Situation of CORONA VIRUS PANDEMIC gets Over we WILL Start to see and Experience extraordinary Times of Economy Recovery and Years Later we all will Experience the Extraordinary Bull Market which we all till date must have never ever seen in our Entire Lifetime.......
Yes but the most important thing is to stay Invested Rational and keep a Cool Mind and Practice lots of Patience Because the Volatility and Uncertainty of Bad News Following in the market daily is going to try your Patience Principles Disciplines......
The one who will loose the above will be the One to loose on to the Biggest Extraordinary Times on the Upside......
But to weather the current storm is going to be difficult.....

But say after 3 ......4 years Good extraordinary Times will come where in one should not Miss the chance of Making Good extraordinary Money .......

IT is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also......
Please consult your Financial Advisor before Investing......

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