Saturday, June 6, 2020

general day to day

[10:50 AM, 2/18/2020] Jiten Patel: Friends once again i am sending you the above Long term chart.,....
Nifty is in Channel Trading Range.,....
Channel Trading Range currently of NIFty is between @12500 and @11000......

The upper Trendline  is the Resistance of the trading range @12500
The Lower Trendline is the Support Trendline of the Trading Range @11000......

When NIFty breaks the upper Resistance Trendline Convincingly and travels upwards then NIFty can travel to @14000.....
When NIFty breaks the Lower support Trendline Convincingly and travels downwards then NIFty can travel to @9300.....

But if the  current Channel trendline of resistance and support are not broken then NIFty will be Range bound between @12500 to @11000.....
So happy Investing......

IT is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also...... please consult your Financial Advisor.......
[10:55 AM, 2/18/2020] Jiten Patel: Also a fall in NIFTY of 20% is a Possibility in can happen but I don't know when......

IT is my personal opinion and view only and not a recommendation to buy or sell and I reserved to be proved otherwise also.......
[9:15 PM, 2/18/2020] Jiten Patel: But inbetween there were many 5/10/20/40% CORRECTIONS.....
But in both the above cases the cycle lasted for almost like 40 years from the from previous high to the next Bull Market high......but in that 40 years cycle in both the cases S&P500 USA went up 24 TIMES from Previous life time High to the preceding lifetime high....
The recent Life time High was in 2007 and if 40 years are taken in to consideration as per previous history of 40 years cycle than 2047 will be a MEGA BULL MARKET HIGH.....

But to note that the market trend will be Northwards but inbetween many CORRECTIONS will come as written above......
[9:22 PM, 2/18/2020] Jiten Patel: THESE so called Cycles will keep on going as long as the Government of the world are printing money....
The same will go on for 50 years 100 years and on and on......
Nothing is going to change such cycles as long as humans are alive
[9:36 PM, 2/18/2020] Jiten Patel: That is why they say even Passive ETF Index Investing will give a Return of 15:50% in the long term investment.....

There are many things these so called highly qualified fund manager Analyst know but they won't tell the poor Investors in details because if they become knowledgeable who will come and invest money directly in stock market and Finally LOSE money in stock market.....So they want Investors to be Fools and lose money so their Coffers are Filled.....

There is so much knowledge to be taken in Financial Investing that for a layman it is highly impossible so one thing is guaranteed that if you try to become smart and wise you are going to LOSE 100% of your investments in stock market.....

The best way to invest is through SIP EQUITY MONTHLY BASIS......
[9:42 PM, 2/18/2020] Jiten Patel: Layman terminology.....

Basic is how do government address the issue of annual budget deficits..... taxing common people is out of question so the government issue bonds.....but on maturity and interest where will they get money printing more money and that is the only option......

From 2016.....16 lakhs core have shot up to 2020....22 lakhs crore.....

Printing money is the only weapon the Government's have and they will keep on doing it for 500 years.....1000 years.....and the story is never ending
[9:53 PM, 2/18/2020] Jiten Patel: One rupee note of 1945 has devalued and has given way to 100 rupee note..... today one rupee two rupee notes have completely vanished in thin air
100 rupee note one day after 100 years will  one day give way to 1000 rupee note..... And 100 rupee note will altogether vanish in thin air
Interesting thing is the Paper will be the same only the figures design and colours will keep on changing forever and ever......
[10:50 PM, 2/18/2020] Jiten Patel: This has what happened to the value of one rupee of 1947 which had a very high value in those has completely lost its Purchasing power......
Same will happen to 100 rupee one day hypothetical let's say in next 75 years time......

Have you ever given a thought that the old house you are living in 1990 was say 1000000/-......
Today the very same house in which you are still living has a price of 2,25,00,000/-.......
Why is it so that the very same house from 1990 to 2020 in which you are living have gone up in PRICE......
Yes not because of inflation but because of Printing money.....

So they say to be invested for long property for long gold for long term...... because if you are not invested than you will loose in …the long run because the government is busy printing money and your share of that printed money will go to the 2% Rich People who are becoming richer and richer because they alway remain invested in financial Assests.......

In 2016 the amount of money in Circulation was 16:50 trillion rupees before DEMONETISATION.....

Now In 2019 the Amount of money in circulation is 22 trillion rupees....

So the government was printing money and they will continue to do so......

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